ch5. 'friends?'

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"Shit" I said aloud. I smile and they looked at me in my form. They looked at me and they weren't scared. Now that's a first. I changed to my human form. (She still has clothes they are morphed into her skin). They still are in shock from my form which I already understand that but its funny to see their faces. "Are you ok?" It was silent before Wren spoke"We should be asking you! You are a dog for our sanity!" I growled lowly"I'm a Wolf. W...o...l...f! Don't call me a dog. Dogs are way different than me." They softly said sorry but, I do get that reaction most of the time. "So what are you doing out here?" They paused as if to see something behind me. I turned and saw a black wolf behind me. I went to my normal golden haired wolf and growled ferociously. I could tell it was a guy and I couldn't help myself. I laugh at the face of danger!!!!!!! The other wolf had a crazy huge glints in his eyes. He seemed like he was holding back from something that I couldn't understand. Men!!!!
I felt no threat of him after so I changed back. He looked shocked at my clothing which my wolf chooses to put me in after I change to human again. I hate her style. I want skinny jeans and a tank top.
No you can't I get to choose!!!! You told me last time!!!!
I rolled my eyes as she gave me a baby blue mini skirt that went four maybe five inches above my knees. She also gave me a strapless shirt that showed my stomach.
I so hate you now
You so love me
The wolf looked at me with curiosity and I looked at Mason. "Yo, Mason! can you get this guy some pants? He obviously wants to speak." they gave me a weird look. "Not everyone can end up with clothes when our wolves are in control" I paused "Only I can as far as I know." He brought the pants and the wolf grabbed it and went behind a big tree.
He was gorgeous. He had dark blue orbs that had a hint of yellow hugging the pupil and my gosh he had toned abs but that's beside the point. His hair tied it all together. He had black hair that was put to the side
Probably to make the girls scream
"Hey sorry but my names Dominic Daniel and I'm new. I saw you talking to them and then you turned so I thought you were angry." "Hi I'm Alex and this is wren and mason and no I'm not going to hurt them. They were helping me with a mean girl problem."
I have a feeling we are going to like him.
Me too!!!!Wow he's hot!!!!
Sam be quiet just in case of him reading our mind.
Too late.
I looked at him and he had a smirk plastered across his face. "Are you full of yourself? Whoops sorry I said that out loud" I put on a pouty face and said "I'm sowwy". I started leaving and a hand stopped me so I turned around and it was Alec? "When you did you get here?" His smile faded "I've been here". I laughed and he looked angry as in crazy wolf angry but I ignored it. Nothing hurts me not even when I found out I was adopted. The only thing that hurt me was that my parents died in a car crash which happened by 'accident' but I don't think so.
Alex? You ok?
Yah I'm fine just thinking.
My phone rang and it was time for me to go. "Bye guys"

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