Tyranny (DRAFT)

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'Be wary of the man called Draco' that is what they always have told us.

"The tyranny of Draco is everlasting. Draco's spies are in the government, in the fields and most of all in our homes." My sister calmly says to me.

"Sister, you're being paranoid." I reply.

In the warm brightly radiated room, you can see the objects of various colors within the room. I and my sister are just discussing our usual topics. The subjects that our parents have us study. We are blue blood after all. The nobles of our country. I and my dear sister are born with great expectations upon us. Hold up the family line, respect our elders, act dignified in how we handle ourselves in all manners of how we act during the day.

After saying that to my sister she has a rather displeased look on her face.

"Sorry, was it something I said?" I meekly ask her. I don't aim to sound mean or anything. I just think that when someone rambles on about the government being corrupt I can't help, but call the person out on their lack of logic. Honestly, spies in the government?! That's highly illogical and irrational to think!

"No, no. You didn't pipsqueak!" My sister boastfully declares to me as she pats me on my head.

"Hey, one day I'll be taller than you!" I angrily shout in response.

"Quiet down idiot, you don't want mother or father to send the guards to babysit us again do you?"

"No, I don't. I'm not a pipsqueak though, so don't call me that!"

"You'll always be my pipsqueak of a younger brother. Even when we're both old and gray."

"If we even make it that far in our lives." I coldly declare to her.

"What do you mean by that?" My sister says to me as she leans in with a curious glance. Her bright blonde hair shining in the illumination of the room. You can even see the marble and ivory furniture in the room too all brightened up by the radiance of the fireplace in our small room within the castle.

"Sorry." I say to my sister to quell her curious glance. "It's just think about it, we're nobles. People want us to go so far. I just think that if we fail, something bad might happen to us. Something very bad indeed."

"It's okay, it'll be fine. Don't you worry one little bit. Even if the world were to turn against us at this given moment. I, your sister, would still stay by your side. Because you're family and in the end all you have is family." My sister exclaims to me as she hugs me with a warm embrace. She feels warm and I feel a warm feeling arising within me. Is this, is this comfort?

"Thank you sister, I just get so scared sometimes. Our parents have such high expectations of us."

"Yeah, I know. We're a dynasty though, and we'll stick together even if it means we go through hell!"

With that there is a knock on the door of the room we're both in.

"Children, are you in?" A nasally deep voice says.

"It's father!" I whisper to my sister as she lets me go. "Thank you sister, for being so supportive of me."

"Yes, we're in here father!" I shout at the door, hoping that my father hears me.

Opening the door to the bright room we're in my father. An older man of greying hair yet of a distinguished manner walks in.

"How have your studies been going you two? Are you ready for the tutor's test that is coming up? You two better have been studying. You two are both older now, so I felt that a governess was no longer necessary. If you two perform poorly however, I will in a heartbeat find another woman to watch over you two." My father explains to me as I run over to hug him.

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