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It's been twenty-four days and I still haven't heard from her. I check my cellphone constantly, and computer just as much. Where could she have gone? All she said was she was going to go on a run, it was just a run! I hope nothing bad has happened to her, my love, my darling, the sunshine in my life.

Today has been twenty-four days since Alice, my girlfriend has gone missing. I filed a missing person's report with my local police station and they printed flyers with information about her. She went missing on a cloudy day in this winter weather, she must be really cold wherever she's at. Alice, oh Alice, where could you be?

I walk and pace across my apartment over and over. It's an apartment that we both leased from a local. The apartment is small and cozy, we would sometimes cuddle on the couch and watch crappy romantic comedies and other times gush at anime movies. It was good times, but where could she be? God damn, I'm so worried I can't take it!

Pulling out my cold and metallic cellphone, I quickly send another text to Alice's number.

"Where are you, it's been days. I'm seriously worried, if it was something I did, I'm sorry" is what I text her. I'm not sure why or how she has vanished, but it's like she simply stepped right out of my life, as quickly as she came in. I mean, we've known each other for years. We first met when we were debating as high schoolers. I still have the pictures of various memories with me in a scrap book that I have backed up as digital copies. I know you're still out there Alice and I'm worried sick about you. I just hope the police find you safe and sound. Since I know that is what you are, at, I know you're safe out there.

Ugh, damn, I can't take it. I seriously can't! I need something to do, something to occupy my time as I wait to hear a response, any response. So I grab my wool coat and step outside into the snow. It's cold outside, so maybe the cold shock will help me not worry as much. It's either that or taking a warm bath.

I stand out in the cold just staring at the leafless and barren trees, they're decayed and the flowers are gone as well. Some would call them weeds, but I find beauty in some of the ugliest aspects of nature. Because nature is one thing and that is constant. I wish though, that nature would guide me back to my lover. I miss ever so much, I really do.

Alice and I would be having tea by this point of time in the day. I really don't like tea, but it's her and she always would make it. So I'd gladly drink it. I mean, tea if tolerable, but not the spice in my life. She's the spice in my life.

Walking around in the snow, I can see it stick to me like it was gum to a shoe. Each step shakes off a bit of snow, but another bit comes on. I pace around the front of my apartment doorway near the sidewalk. The cold is sickening and disgusting to the core. It's like I'm a delicacy being prepared to be frozen to be transported somewhere else. I see a flock of birds, for a moment, I can't make out what kind of birds they are, but at least they have someone! Walking outside I step onto the sidewalk and to my front if the black paved road, or well the snow covered road. They would use salt to try to prevent ice and snow, but sometimes it just doesn't work. To my left and right are the snow covered sidewalks. Off in the distance a small garden is visible, it's a garden of a woman who lives on my street. The woman's name is Erika. She grows her own food and even some decorate plants. Daisies, violets, roses, and sometimes she grows bonsai trees. We've spoken a few times, and I've been inside her home a few times. She was awfully nice to my girlfriend Alice. Hell, being out here isn't helping me. The cold is not helping me at all, nor in any kind of way.

I begin walking down the street to the Erika's home. As I do, my mind races, it races like a dozen hounds being sent after wild game. Alice has to be well; the world knows that Alice is well. Hell, even Erika will know that Alice is well. All she did has gone missing, that's it. She'll come back, I know she'll come back.

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