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Our story begins with James, a man of a young, worn face and rugged clothing returning home. He runs a newspaper called "The Gazette". Tonight he is carrying a stack of mail sent to his newspaper office from various fans. One of them is by a woman, or at least a person, named Irene.

"Dear Editor of the Gazette,

I loved your last article about transparency in the government and how it's necessary for a free and democratic nation. God bless you guys and the work that you do. Personally, I await each and every new article with much vigor. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.

With all the support in the world,

Irene Banks

James grabs some stationary paper and begins to write a reply to this letter he just received from this unknown woman.

"Dear Irene,

I got your last letter. Thank you for your kind words regarding my newspaper article It means a lot to hear such kinds words in such dark times in our country. I personally slaved over the article for hours just trying to get the wording right. So it means a lot to hear that at least one person out there appreciates the work that I've done. Thank you ever so much for your letter and your kind words.

Best Wishes,


James writes that letter and places it inside his mailbox outside of his home. He usually responds to a few fan letters, but since there are so many it's nearly impossible to respond to them all. This letter, just happened to be the first letter he pulled out and it brought him great joy to read it.

The next day James is at his office on the second floor of The Gazette building, working tirelessly on a next article. He's feeling a bit overworked, but thoughts of that fan letter he read the day before brings him great joy in his work. So every time he feels down, he just thinks of the lovely fan mail that his articles are sure to bring in. Just like that letter Irene sent him. Hey, maybe Irene set him another letter?

Near the end of the work day he heads to collect the recently arrived fan mail. He sorts through the letters dedicated to other writers and collects the letters sent specifically for his works. He recently sent an article about government mismanagement to be published. He prays every day about the fact he lives in a country with the freedom of press and not in some country ran by a tyrant.

James works through the remainder of his day and then leaves his office carrying a bag of fan mail. As he's walking home he can see a car drive by him on the road. For a passing glance he can see a man in a straightjacket inside the car.

"I don't like the site of anything to do with mental hospitals. Nothing to do with them at all. Keep the crazies a hell of a way from me!" James silently says to himself as he quickly hurries home.

Arriving home James enters his humble abode. It's a two room apartment, one room dedicated towards being a work space and another with his bed. James isn't a man with a lot of money, but he makes a meager living in his life. It's a comfortable life and a live that James, as he looks back enjoys.

Browsing through the fan mail he reads a few short letters. One of them reads

"Dear newspaper writer,

Your newspaper is a determent to our country and you should shut it down you worthless bastards!

With the utmost hate,

A disenchanted reader."

This letter shakes James a bit, he's always been a bit sensitive about his work. He puts his heart and soul into everything he writes damn it!

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