Outside Lie

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Fallon was impressed that her plan had worked. She hadn't doubted herself, but it's always nice when things go to plan. Fallon wasn't the type of girl to doubt herself. She knew she needed more. The cigarettes alone wouldn't get her rival expelled. She needed more, and more serious plans to take her rival down. Fallon had a few ideas, now all she needed to do was find opportunities for sabotage. Fallon messaged Isabel, asking for proof that Penelope was breaking school rules and conduct. Isabel replied within minutes.

Fallon sat in the guidance counsellors office first thing the next day. The guidance counsellor had just gone to get a coffee. Fallon looked around. The office was neat and cosy, an ideal place to talk to someone. An ideal place to eat someone out. The guidance counsellor came back into her office and sat at her desk.
"Ms. I saw Penelope selling her bra to some boys from another college last night. I just thought you should know, because it gives the school a bad image." Fallon lied to the counsellor. Fallon hadn't seen Penelope selling her bra. She hadn't seen Penelope at all last night. She had been home doing homework and thinking of ways to get Penelope in trouble. The counsellor nodded at Fallon, accepting Fallon's lie as the truth.
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention miss Fallon. I will talk to her about this." The guidance counsellor took a sip of coffee as the bell went, signalling the start of class. Fallon stood up, said goodbye, and left for class.

After school, Penelope had been sent to the guidance counsellors office. Fallon waited outside, wanting to hear every word of the conversation. She couldn't hear everything, but from what she could hear, it sounded promising.
"That kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable. Do you realise the damage you could do to the school reputation as well as your own?"
"It's... I swear... I'd never do that!" Penelope stuttered, shocked by the accusation. It was out of nowhere. Fallon remained outside for a few more minutes, listening to the conversation. She then decided to leave, having heard enough to know she was successful. On her way out, she could see James and Luna. They called her over and invited her to hang out with them and the others. Fallon had become their friend, which is always a good feeling.

At the park, she saw an opportunity to sabotage Penelope. She could tell the group what she overheard at the counsellors office earlier. She decided to wait until Noah was with the group, so he would hear about Penelope. He could never be with Penelope if he knew she was selling her bras to boys. However, to Fallon's dismay, Noah didn't meet up with the group. Maybe he didn't always hang out with them. Maybe it was just the once. Fallon decided to tell the others anyway. Spread some rumours. Maybe someone would say something that Fallon could use.

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