Crossed Boundaries

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Fallon sat in one of the other bathrooms in nothing but a towel. She had taken a hot shower to warm up her cold body, but she was still shivering. Her clothes lay in a soaked pile in the bathtub. She could hear a knocking and a gentle voice from outside.
"Fallon. You ok?" It was Sophia. Fallon wasn't ok. James had taken his feelings way too far, and she had gotten soaked. She could've died in that cold water. She was furious at him right now.
"Can you open the door so I can give you some spare clothes." This voice belonged to Hana. Fallon stood up and opened the door a crack. Hana passed in another dress, as well as underwear and some spare shoes. Fallon locked the door and put on the clothes. She caught a look at herself in the mirror. Her dark hair was still messy, and her makeup was running down her face. She looked like a panda with the amount of smudged black eyeliner and mascara. At least the blue dress Hana had given her looked nice. She wiped the makeup from her face, before brushing her hair out and braiding it.

All Fallon wanted to do was go home and sleep. She didn't want to walk, or make anyone else leave because of her. Fallon needed to get out before James could find her. She really wasn't in the mood to deal with him at all. She had stayed with Hana and Victoria. Luna approached the group with Sunny and Logan.
"We're leaving now. Thanks for throwing the party Hana it was really fun." Luna said. Fallon saw an opportunity to go home, as it seemed Sophia wasn't leaving any time soon. At least she could ask.
"Could I go with you guys?" Fallon asked. Sunny nodded, and so she said her goodbyes to the others and left.

"So Fallon. What happened with James?" Sunny asked. They were in the car driving back. Fallon looked out of the window and sighed a little.
"He tried to kiss me." Fallon said coldly. "I don't have feelings for him, and I told him already he was crossing the line." She had told him last time he tried to kiss her he was crossing the line. He didn't care about how she felt. All he cared about was dating Fallon. It wasn't the same as Fallon's feelings for Noah. Fallon would never try to make out with Noah if he had already told her he didn't want her to kiss him. She had respect for boundaries.
"He tried to get out of the friend zone and you rejected him then?" Logan asked.
"Pretty much." Fallon answered, hoping to stop talking about it. She was done with the issue. All she wanted to do was forget it happened. She didn't even want to hear his name. She hated him for his actions. That one kiss could've cost Fallon her life, and she could never forgive him for that.

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