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Fallon knew why she rejected James, but she couldn't tell him. He had taped her mouth shut to stop her calling for help. He knew this, so why has he asked her a question she couldn't answer. He looked at her, expecting an answer, then looked back moments later. He sighed and continued to look out the window silently with the only sound coming from his breathing. Fallon watched him, scared for her life. She couldn't do anything except wait for help. He turned back around and sat on the bed next to her. He watched her silently, scaring her more than any words could.

Victoria and Sophia walked around the boat looking for a teacher. They needed someone who can help them help Fallon. They had changed quickly after leaving the pool straight after they finished messaging Isabel.
"What if the teacher doesn't believe us?" Sophia asked, looking down as they continued walking. They hadn't thought of that. That was their only plan, get a teacher who could get into the room. Every room had a spare key which only the teachers had access to. The keys were incase of emergency, and surely this counted as an emergency.
"They have to." Victoria was adamant they would believe her, but she had started to doubt herself. "Why would we make this up?" They continued walking, before finding Hana, Theo and Mari. Victoria and Sophia explained the situation to them, and they all agreed to help. It was 5 against 1, surely that would be enough to make whoever was keeping her hostage back down. It took the group 5 minutes to find a teacher, who agreed to go with them to her room to find her.

They stood outside Fallon's room as tee teacher knocked on the door, calling her name. Inside the room, James and Fallon could hear the teacher. Fallon tried to scream, but it was blocked by the tape. James smothered her mouth with his hand, silencing any sound she made. The banging continued, the person on the other side calling her name louder every time. Tears streamed down her eyes as she tried to call for help. They can't hear me. She was scared they would just leave and she would eventually end up dead at his hands. It eventually stopped. James took his hand away from her mouth, but still remained on the bed watching her.

Outside the room was 5 worried teenagers and a concerned teacher. The teacher tried to open the door, but it was firmly locked. The teacher pulled out his phone and made a call.
"Hello... Yeah I need a key into room 420... Yeah. Thank you." The teacher hung up the phone and turned to the students. "Stay silent. Trust me, it's for the best." The group stayed silent and waited for the other teacher with the key. A few minutes later, another teacher arrived with the key. The teacher tried knocking on the door again and called her name. When she didn't respond, the teacher unlocked the door and forced his way in.

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