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The next morning, Fallon sat outside on a deck chair on one of the decks. The deck was quiet, and she was one of the only people on it. She closed her eyes for a moment and listened to the waves hitting the boat. It was calm and relaxing. She could be alone with her thoughts.
"Excuse me, you're in my spot." Fallon opened her eyes and saw a girl standing over her. Her voice was angry, but Fallon could care less.
"Didn't see your name on it." Fallon closed her eyes again, ignoring this girl.
"Bitch, get out of this place." The girl was furious now.
"What you gonna do if I don't?" Fallon laughed at the girls anger. She hadn't opened her eyes, but could tell she was furious. The girl tipped the chair, causing Fallon to fall on the floor. The other girl walked over to her so she was facing Fallon.
"That's what I'll do, bitch. Now go away." Fallon was mad. Who did she think she was? What gave her the right to treat Fallon like that? Fallon stood up and threw herself at the girl, pushing her over the railing. Fallon watched her fall, and heard her scream. She listened for the sound of the girl hitting the water. She didn't care if she lived or died. The girl only made her angry. Fallon looked around, making sure there was no witnesses. The only people on the deck were looking in other directions, and looked like they hadn't seen Fallon push her overboard. She picked up the chair and sat back down, closing her eyes and ignoring what she'd just done.

Fallon opened her eyes and looked around. The deck was filled with people, and the sun was higher in the sky. She realised that she had fallen asleep after she'd pushed the girl overboard. No one had woken her to ask about the girl, so she assumed nothing was going to happen for a while. She stood up and headed back to her room. On her way back to her room, she saw Victoria and Sophia heading to the pool.
"Hey Fallon. We're heading to the pool, you should join us." Sophia said as they hugged Fallon.
"Sure. Let me get a costume on and I'll meet you in 10." She walked away quickly to her room, not wanting to keep them waiting.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror before she left. She was wearing a black one piece swimming costume and on her feet were a pair of white flip flops. Her hair had been tied into a high ponytail and she had taken off her makeup. She picked up the baggy t-shirt from her bed and put it on over the costume. She didn't want to be walking around in just a swimming costume, and she wanted something that she could quickly take off at the poolside. She checked her reflection again, it was weird for her to see her face without makeup. It didn't matter, as she was going to see her friends, she could only hope James wouldn't be there.

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