Three Flowers in a garden.

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Requested by PauDickson

Title: Three flowers in a garden.

Genre: Chick lit/Teen fiction

Description: America, Rosa, and Eva have been friends for years. As their journey in life progresses they are faced with obstacles that will be ultimate test to their friendship.

America never made mistakes that she will never be able to forget. She had sworn never to do it, but you never know what you are capable of doing once the cards are turned in your side.

Rosa is the good one. She follows all the rules, doesn't answer back. She has never let her self go...until recently.

Eva never learnt from her mistakes. She commits the same one's over and over. All she cares about is having fun, drinking and sex. But when she gets hit with a disease that will forever change her life. It is time for her to set her priorities straight. The thing is that Eva.....never learns.

Your story has a nice plot. I like the way you described the girls in the blurb of your story. It helps the readers understand each of them enough.

Your conversations and descriptions are quite easy to understand, and easy to imagine too. The names of the characters are cool and quite relatable also.

The writing is perfect. No mistakes so far. The grammar and spellings are all okay. You do a good job on writing.


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