Human at last

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Undertied 5

Sans pov.

I hug Chara very tightly. Papyrus walks in. "Hey brother, Why are you wake? I heard you scream is everything ok?" Papyrus doesn't notice the soul in the box. "Yeah I'm fine just really happy today!" I say. "Well lucky it's only 12:20 so you can have some more ... More.
Sans? Is that a soul?" Papyrus says clearly wanting an answer. "Um yeah it's a soul that I made with a friend of mine." I say.

"Oh My Gosh! Your having a baby and you didn't tell me??" Papyrus is almost jumping up and down. "Yeah it looks like a girl but I'm not sure-" Chara cut me off. "Sansy please can we sleep now?" Chara seems tired. "Well papy I gonna go to bed I am tired." I say hinting that he should leave. "Oh of course brother have a wonderful night." Papyrus says leaving the room.


Geno's pov.

I walks out in front of everyone "Ok so Ink and Error have made/Destroy some AUs so I will introduce myself, I am Geno! And I will be doing role call to see if anyones not here." I look down the list and call people's names. "And last one Undertale Sans!" I said waiting for a answer, but nothing happened. "He skipped a meeting? Sans-es from every AU do we know the punishment for skipping a meeting?" I asked the crowd. They all screamed back the answer "A genocide rote with no reseat!" They screamed


Sans' pov.

I fell asleep in my bed right next to Chara. She hugs me and sleeps. I kiss her on the cheek (not before turning bright blue) and fall asleep.

When I wake up something's wrong. I looked at my half soul. There was no Determination in it.
"Chara What did you do" I say worried. But when I looked at Chara I knew what she had done. She was a human not a ghost. She must of turn back in to a human after I fell asleep.

"Chara, wake up!" I yell. "What is it Sansy?" Chara says rubbing her eyes. "Wait ... I am human" Chara is almost in tears.

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