The Shower

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Sans' pov.

After Geno pretty much kills me! Don't believe me? My hp is 0•1!!! I tp back to Chara ... I forgot that's she's showering right now.

Chara just looks at me in shock. "S-s-sorry Ch-chara." I say turning around. Chara gets out of the shower and turns me around and kisses me in the NUDE!!!

(The Fandom throws LEMONS at me)

Chara undresses me and pulls me into the shower with her. Suddenly a explosion of pain came in my soul. I looked at my hp 0•09 it read. I stop myself from crying in front of Chara, but the pain is way to much.

Chara's pov.

Sans looks more upset than normal. Maybe something fun will cheer him up. I grab Sans' hand and placed it on the back of my leg. "Chara please not now." Sans says. "Oh but Sansy~ your forgetting something 'When were you the one in control?' So lets just go with the flow!" I say kissing him on the cheek.

Sans' pov.

"Chara I am not feeling well. Please just let me be." I say. I open the door of the shower and get dressed. I kiss Chara on the cheek and walk out of the room. "Sans! There you are! Me and Undyne are going shopping for new clothes! Wonna come?" Papyrus says. "Oh and don't go into the bathroom! Charas in there." Papyrus says then walks off.

"Oh Papyrus how I would LOVE to kill you!~" A Voice in my heads says. "Wait what?" I say out loud.
Papyrus turns around "shopping? Me and Undyne? Honestly Sans!" Papyrus continues walking.

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