The Singing Competition

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Aph- We actually got here... I mean just, WOW! Isn't this place amazing???
Aaron- Let's just get to the apartment...
As they walk to the apartment, they notice two familiar faces, KISSING! Tehe, guess whoo???
Aph- M-M-M- MOM?! ERIC?!
Salvanna- OOHH! Hey sweety! How's everythi- WHY IN THE NAME OF IRENE IS AARON HERE?!
Aph- We came here together...
Aaron- Should I run..?
Aph- I think she's okay, THIS TIME...
Salvanna- GRRR WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! You're faces are both red as a beet!
Aaron- We did nothing miss Phoenix drop!
Aph- miss Phoenix drop? Really?
Guy- lets get you two to the apartment shall we!
Eric- APHMAU SWEETY! it's been so long! (SINCE LAST IVE SEEN MY SON.. fnaf reference anyone? No? Okay...)
Aph- YE- y-yea... so long...
Aph's POV
When he said that I remembered Lilith. Her sweet little eyes, her little smile, is all I remember, I hadn't told anyone that I was the marionette after night five.. not even mother...
Guy took us to our apartment. We chose our rooms, and settled down. Guy had told us something before he left.
Guy- There's a singing competition today! Enter if you want on the beach! (I just realized i wrote in bold)
Aph- Okay great! I'd love to sing with you! (Did I mention Aaron is foxy? Well he is foxy and aph is marionette)
Aaron- Wanna do an It's been so long duet?
Aph- YEA! I'll go sign us up.
Aaron- okay I'll watch Celeste while your gone.
Aph- GREAT! Be right baaaaack!
Guy had left and I headed to the beach to sign me and Aaron up for the singing competition. I also saw some other people tat I knew who were signing up, like Nicole, Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan, they were doing a duet, and some other people.

-MAGICAL TIME SKIP- woah I'm magical
A girl named Fawn came up on the stage and greeted the crowd, and announced the first contestant, Nicole, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan. They sang the song Ghost.

The crowd went wild! Fawn then announced, APHMAU AND AARON! Singing, It's Been So Long.

THE CROWD WENT CRAZY IT ALMOST MADE APH AND AARON DEF! Fawn announced others to sing their song, until it was time to reveal the winners coming in first place!
Fawn- And the winners are.....


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