Chapter 2

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The Doodle Sphere was a curious concept.

Not quite part of the void, but not quite part of anything else either.

Rather, it acted as a bridge between the void and the universes, letting anyone who entered it go anywhere they wished.

Few could enter.

But there was almost always one in the Doodle Sphere, one who called it home. He had no timeline of his own, but he was selfless, protecting the thing he'd lost before.

He knew the unspoken rules of the multiverse.

He was not to interfere with the timelines, nor was he to appear in them.

Despite these unspoken rules, and his constant breaking of them, the timelines were his, and he was theirs.

They did not exist without each other.

He was theirs, and they were his.

That was how it was.


The blurry shining of the stars in Outertale greeted his eyes, and he sat up, rubbing his head.

How long had he been out?


To be honest with himself, Error had lost all concept of time long ago.

The voices had dulled down to faint whispers, and Error forced himself to stand.

As he walked along the starry path of what appeared to be Outertale's Waterfall, he savored the rare moment of quiet. The voices usually never went away, but only rarely did they ever get that bad.

Even though his head was still ringing, and he felt exhausted, he forced himself to keep walking.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore, and plopped down on the side of the star path, his feet hanging down in open space.

The voices slowly grew in volume, and he focused on his hands, where he was attempting to knit something.


With a frustrated yell, Error flung the needles away from him, string still wrapped around them.

He couldn't even focus on something as mindless as knitting!

One of the voices spoke up, and Error lifted his head, staring out at the stars and listening.

He didn't have anything better to do.

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