Rival is despised

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     Why is it that the main antagonist is always an ugly, horrible, and disgusting human being? Like if she really is a rival, people must like her or other wise she would be ignored by many. So why is it that everyone hates her, yet she is some how popular? Also, she should have some positive characteristics, not everyone is below your oc's level, that's just arrogant.

     Another point I would like to make with the antagonist is the cheater stories. Like for instance, you are dating a host member and they cheat on you. {#spon I have made one, not even going to lie} Anyway, whenever they cheat on you, why is it always with a cheap hoe? If your character is so perfect like you claim them to be, then why would the host member simply cheat on that character? It makes no sense.

     I would just like to point out that usually the antagonist hates the narrator right from the start, which really makes no sense also. Aren't you supposed to be new? Why do they hate you suddenly? Smh.

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