Chapter Four: The Shatterdome

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February 29th, 2020 - Thursday - 8:01 AM.

Before I knew it, I found myself in an armored vehicle with bulletproof windows.

After Larkson had won our argument, I managed to retrieve my backpack as well as my weapons. Then he victoriously led me to a Strike Trooper vehicle. He wasted no time in getting me inside the car, pretty much shoving me into the front passenger seat. He was smart. He knew that if he went any slower, I would have time to think about what I was doing and change my mind. Dang it. The boy's smarter than I thought...

I gazed out the window as we drove through the city of Los Angeles, thinking about what I was doing in this Trooper car. What are you thinking, Jules? Do you know what you are getting yourself into? I closed my eyes. I don't know... I answered myself. Half of me was yearning for the whir of machinery and the brilliant mysteries only found in Jaegers... The other half was still mourning for Dad-

"Hey," A voice snapped me out of my daydreaming. Larkson looked at me, brow furrowed in concern. "You zoned out again..."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, embarrassed to be caught zoning out. Again. "Yeah... Sorry. Just thinking..." I swallowed hard, looking stiffly forward. I could feel the Captain's eyes burning into me, but I stared straight ahead. I made it obvious that I didn't want to elaborate. Thankfully, Larkson respected my wish and remained quiet throughout the short drive.

The drive only lasted a mere few minutes. And then a giant structure came into view: the Shatterdome.

Immediately, my eyes widened in awe, and I found myself leaning forward in my seat. I saw helicopters flying around, reminding me of birds soaring around. I watched Strike Troopers march in stiff formation, practicing drills and on patrols it looked like. And when the guards let us through the security gates, I was completely amazed by then.

I heard Larkson laugh, my head turning to glance at him.

"You look like a little kid staring into a candy store." He joked, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

I had to smile with him, looking out the windows again. "So much has changed since I've last been to a Shatterdome..." My smile faded and I bit my lip, trying to refrain myself from thinking about my past. It was hard - it was hard to let go. It was hard to move on and not think about what happened every second of my life.

Larkson stopped the vehicle, parking it next to some other Trooper cars. He shut off the engine and unbuckled himself. "Wait 'til you see inside." He changed the subject, smiling at me. "That's where the real magic happens."

I gave him a small smile. As I opened my door, I was hit with a blast of cold air. I shivered slightly. I looked to my right to see a helicopter, its blades humming loudly as I was nearly blown away by the wind it created. I couldn't even hear myself think!

"Yeah, it's a little chilly and windy here! Next to the ocean, you know?" Larkson yelled over the loud humming of a nearby hellicopter. "And all these helicopters...!" He just shrugged and gestured for me to follow him. "Come on!"

I looked over at the helicopter again to see some Troopers... and some other people emerge from inside the aircraft. The mysterious people, who were in lab coats, seemed to be fussing over some rather large crates that the Troopers were having difficulty lifting. Judging by the numbered codes (which I recognized immediately due to my previous time at the Shatterdomes) and the words "KAIJU" printed all over them, I guessed that there were Kaiju parts in them.

I reluctantly tore my gaze away and jogged to catch up with Larkson. I pushed some loose strands of hair behind my ear as I matched his pace. "Were those K-Science-"

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