Chapter Eleven [bonus: Raleigh]: Nothing Burns Like the Cold

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[So, I had an idea of doing "mini bonus" chapters in which you can see the point of view from a different character around the same time. It'll be fun - I promise. xD

One, canon characters! Don't you want to see the POV of Newton, Raleigh, Mako, Chuck, or etc?

Two, they'll be "short and sweet". Well, "short" in my vocabulary isn't very...short... Ahem...

Three, I can update these faster. ouo

So...let's see how this goes. xD]


Raleigh Becket POV - March 1st, 2020 - Friday - 2:17 AM.

Raleigh, listen to me-! Raleigh, listen to me-!

"Yancy!" Raleigh gasped awake, his heart racing as he sat up in the cold bed. He frantically looked around the room, panting as if he had just ran a marathon. "Yancy..." That's when everything came back to him, hitting him in the face like a bucket of icy water. He was alone.

He let out a heavy sigh, covering his face with his hands. "Yancy..." He choked. He was cold. Not just physically, but mentally... No, not even "mentally", he thought. You just couldn't explain it. Only people who have Drifted before would understand.

Only people who survive after having a brother ripped out of their mind would understand. Raleigh thought, miserably. He stayed in a hunched position with his eyes closed, hugging himself as he sat there in the painful silence. God, what just happened? One minute he and his brother had blasted that stupid Kaiju. He watched it fall back in the ocean, assuming it was dead. It looked dead. It acted dead.

But that was a mistake. The Kaiju ambushed them, surprising them from the side. Then it... It... It tore Yancy out of the Conn-pod. It knew we were in there...

But Raleigh didn't care how smart or dumb Kaiju were right now. He didn't know what to feel, hearing the machine next to him read his heart rate. He heard it start beeping faster and faster. He was panicking and hyperventilating, unsure of what to do and what to think.

Beep, beep. Beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep, beep. Raleigh's heart rate continued to increase.

It was so cold in the room. So cold... Cold like snow... Snow... cold snow...

A scene flashed before Raleigh's closed eyes. Before he realized what was happening and before he could stop it, he slipped into the void of Drift space. Otherwise known as ghostdrifting.

Raleigh leapt out of the house, yelling out into the freezing air. "Yancy! Yancy! Hurry up!"

A very sleepy Yancy trudged to the door, stopping there and yawning. He leaned against the doorframe, closing his eyes. "Raleigh... it's so early..."

Raleigh sighed and reluctantly hopped back to the porch, following his footsteps that he had printed into the freshly fallen snow. He tugged at Yancy's scarf. "Come on, Yancy! It's only like four o'clock!"

Yancy frowned sleepily at him. "Exactly!" He snorted. Why was Raleigh such an early bird? Yancy pushed his younger brother off as Raleigh began to attempt to climb up onto him. But he didn't realize that he shoved a little too hard. He watched in horror as his sibling slipped on the icy porch and fell flat on his back in the snow with a soft thud, his beanie falling over his eyes. He snapped awake all of a sudden, rushing to his brother's aid and nearly slipping himself. "Whoa!" He hopped down in the snow, shaking his brother who continued to remain motionless. "Rals! Oh, my god - I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did you twist your ankle? Can you even move? Hellllooo?? How do you feel-"

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