Chapter Two

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"Hurry up, Gerard," whined the awkward thirteen year old with long bangs and thick glasses. He was leaning against the wall of the school, his backpack hanging lazily off his arm, like a dorky kid who was making an attempt at being cool. "I don't have all freakin' day." Gerard walked out of the school finally, a box of comic books held in front of him.

"I really don't see why you're whining," Gerard said, walking down the steps, as his brother put his bag back on properly, "You read these just as much as I do." His younger brother began to argue as they walked down the pathway away from the school. I stood up from vantage point on the ground, and began to follow them. The two brothers seemed to constantly banter back and forth as they walked a few feet ahead of me, but I had a feeling it wasn't because they were mad or anything.

I'm not really sure what drove me to following Gerard home. Perhaps it's the insane part of me that really just wanted to cause trouble. After the art room conflict, I spent the rest of the day wondering about him. What was he really like when he wasn't pissed? Does he have any other friends? The same questions kept gnawing on my brain until finally I decided to find out for sure on my own. At the end of the day, I hung around the exit until I saw Gerard walk by on his way to pick up a bunch of comics from the library. After that, I sat outside, behind the flag pole and waited for Gerard to leave. That was when I was introduced to his younger brother Mikey, who had taken to whining for Gerard to hurry up like an annoying kid.

I picked myself up from the ground and followed behind the pair. The two brothers turned down the street towards the shady part of town. I stop walking for half a second before continuing. Do they live in the ghetto? Hesitantly, I followed the pair for a few more blocks before they turned again.

Cemetery Drive.

The two brothers turned into a dark road, and walked up a path to dead and bleak graveyard. There were about a hundred rotting, grey, rocky headstones scattered around the abandoned landscape. The brother slipped inside and sat down next to a dark, black mausoleum. They spread out the comics like holy books in front of them. Gerard pulled a handful of assorted candy bars and sweets out of his bag and set them between the two in a fashion that told me this was an everyday occurrence.

I ducked behind a large headstone, so I was close enough to hear but hidden in the sneaky shadows of the markers of the dead. Mikey opened an X-Men comic and propped it against his legs. He broke off a piece of a chocolate bar, then set the rest down on the grass, plopping the chocolate in his mouth. He seemed so content. Like an animal in it's natural habitat.  Mikey looked over at his brother.

"What are you going to do with all these, Gerard? Our closet is full."

Gerard swallowed the last little sour gummy ring, then opened a very old issue of The Doom Patrol. He rolled his eyes at his brother's comment when he processed it. "I don't know," he muttered, as he turned the page of his comic, "Make room."

Mikey closed his comic book, and leaned back against the mausoleum door. He seemed relaxed here, I was almost jealous. So did Gerard. "Maybe Grandma has room or something," he said, closing his eyes. I momentairily lost my footing, and my shoes scraped loudly against the ground. All I could think of was how screwed I was. He was going to see me, and then I would be back to square one. Without warning, Gerard rose to his feet, knocking the comic aside.

"Let's go home, Mikey," Gerard said, loading up the comics. He haphazardly threw the candy trash into his backpack and stood up. "I said, Let's go," he repeated, as Mikey took his time, carefully folding his page and setting it on the ground. Mikey stood up and lifted up his backpack.

"We just got here, Gerard," the younger brother continued as he picked up his comic from the ground, "Like, not even five minutes ago." Gerard didn't answer for a few seconds. He began to walk away as Mikey continued to protest. "God, Gerard! Stop acting so paranoid! People are going to think you're crazy!"

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