CH.22: Someone Who's Intrested

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"Hello?" I said through the phone.

"Hey Olivia, it's Kate."

Why would Kate be calling me? We were bet friends a year ago, be we just drifted apart.

"Oh hey, how's everything?"

"Great! I'm having a Christmas party tomorrow. I was wondering if you would like to come? I have someone who's intrested in you. I showed him a picture of you and he..."

"Kate, I have a boyfriend." I cut her off.

"Oh, well still come. And bring that boyfriend of yours."

"I'll have to see. But, if he won't come, I will. We need to catch up."

"Of course! See you tomorrow." She said before hanging up.

When we ended the call, Harry comes in the living room eating a banana.

"Who was that?"

"An old friend of mine. She invited us to go to her party tomorrow."

"Oh, sorry I can't. I have plans with Gemma to go Christmas shopping."

"It's ok. I'll go by myself."

I said looking somewhere else.

"You sure?" he ask cautiously.

"Yeah, we are just catching up."

Harry came closer and lifted my head and said, "Nevermind, I'm coming."

I smiled and said, "Really it's fine. But I do grant I get a nice Christmas gift from you."

"Will do."

I smiled and gave him a quick kiss to reassure him. He gave me the gesture back.



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Thank you all for reading and I love you all <3

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