CH.75: Meet Niall

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I woke up the next day without a problem. Nothing serious happened last night, besides Gemma night scare.

Rob didn't show up yesterday either. I don't know if I would say it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Good because he has probably finally moved on, or bad because he is planning something way worse than what it should be.

Everyone was up except for Gemma. She didn't really have a goodnight sleep last night.

Olivia and I got a two hour delay from school since the roads are slippery.

The time read '8:30'. Olivia was rushing me out of the house.

She keeps saying that the roads are bad and that we have to go slow, but we don't start until '9:15'.

Even though the whole leaving early shit sounds stupid, but if she wants to go that early, I guess we can.

Olivia wanted to drive today, but I wouldn't let her.

"Please? I promise I'll drive carefully."

"Babe, it's really slippery and you just got your license like a month ago."

"So?" She says as if it's nothing.

"So, I don't need a car accident right now. You can drive another time." I said kissing her quickly.

She gave me a frown and hopped into the passenger seat.

"I love you." I said smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, we are going to be late." She said.

She is feisty this morning, and I like it. I don't know she's cute when she is.

We walked into school almost before the last bell rang.

"I told you we were going to be late." Olivia said rushing to class.

"Yeah, but not that late." I said smiling.

She looked at me and just shook her head. She rushed to her class and I strolled into mine.

"You are both late." My teacher says.

"I'm sorry." Olivia says sitting.

We both sit next to each other, like usual and listen to the teacher ramble on about variables.

"Class, I'll like you to welcome Niall to this class. He just moved here from Ireland."

Niall waved to everyone and my teacher went up to Olivia.

"Do you mind if you show him around and bring him to classes?"

Hell no! She will not just have some guy hit on her again.

"Yeah sure." She says smiling and Niall takes the seat behind her.

"I'm Olivia."

"Nice to meet you." He says with a smile and a heavy Irish accent.

"And I'm her boyfriend, Harry." I say and stick out my hand for him to shake.

He gives me a scared smile and shakes it firmly.

He sure as hell should be nervous. She's mine and he better not try anything.

"Be nice." She whispers to me.

I shrug and I pay attention to the teacher and eye Niall once in a blue moon.

I hear a obnoxious laugh from my side. I look over and see Niall still smiling from what Olivia told him. I never felt so much jealousy in my life. He is so, new, and I'm so, well.

Niall looks like the perfect package. He can smile and Im pretty sure all the girls melt. I can see them all just looking at him like he's 'Mr.Perfect'.

The bell rings and I walk with both Olivia and Niall. Basically just making sure he doesn't try to do anything like the other guys do to her.

She's beautiful and perfect. Any guy will fall for her and I am lucky that person is me.

Just to make sure, I wrap my arm around her tiny waist.

"Here is Wellness with Mrs. Brown." Olivia said pointing to the gym.

"Thank you. I'll see you guys around." His accent comes in my ear.

That accent is just really annoying now.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••AUTHOR'S NOTE:

Niall! Personally he is my favorite. (if you couldn't tell by my profile)
What do you guys think of him so far? He will most likely be another main character, just have to see how the book goes :)

The others will soon be coming so don't worry!
Also I have another book called "him." go check it out!

Thanks for reading!

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