Otomi Mayura

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Rokuro has told me the situation going on with Adashino-san. I can't believe she lost her powers. It's all my fault.

I look at Rokuro who was faced down with guilt. "Rokuro..." I whisper. I go over and hug him. It's just like the time with the H. Kids. Now Adashino-san.

Adashino-san, I pray, please come back.

"You don't have to worry Mayura," Rokuro said half smiling. You shouldn't smile Rokuro. Especially something as fake as that. "I'll take all your worries/problems away, go be happy."

He's seriously thinking I can't take care of myself? That I have to be happy? Since when the hell have I been happy? Especially when he affects half of my emotions!

I stand up with rage. He was being a dumbass right now. "What the hell Rokuro! If you're not happy, how am I going to be happy?!" Ah, that felt good to get of my shoulders. "You-you worry rat, baby face, from plant idiot, who should really consider going to the dentist because of those not normal sharp teeth of yours shark-boy!"

I huff and puff and realize what I just told Rokuro. My insults are truly weird. I don't know how to properly insult someone, so I say whatever comes to mind.

"R-Rokuro.... I-" he bursts out into laughter. "Eh?"

"N-no, I'm sorry. C-" he was clutching onto his stomach, "continue."

"Roku. . .?"

"I'm sorry." He said wiping a tear from his eye. "It's just-"

I cut him off, "No, I'm sorry. Your teeth are unique, and I'm just glad to see you smiling. A genuine smile. After what happened, you haven't cracked one. I'm just glad you still can." I say smiling back at him.

He looks at me surprised by my words than gives a little scoff, "Th-thanks Mayura. I-I guess I haven't been smiling genuinely. It's just. . ." he looks down. He shakes his head then looks back at me. "Again thanks Mayura."

My skips a beat. Am I betraying Adashino-san? I mean it's just a little feelings. . . should I even? Is it the right time? He making me feel this way. It's not my fault. "Um, Ro-Rokuro. . ."


"I. . .um, I--"

"Enmaudo Rokuro!"

"Hai!?" He, Rokuro, says standing up straight in fright. Save by the person. I turn around and face Shimon-kun. Save by Shimon-kun.

"Shimon-kun? What are you doing here?" He looks at me nodding. His way of saying hello I guess.

"Enmadou Rokuro, I have news for you from Arima-sama." He said standing straight, a serious vibe, and folded arms. Is it that serious?

"Well," I ask, "what's the big surprise?"
I look over to Rokuro who has a serious expression on but has be as anxious about what it is than I am. Tell us already Shimon.

Shimon looks over at whatever is behind me. I trail his eyes to what he's staring at. The clock he's staring at the clock. It read 11:56 on it. Another minute passed, and another, and another, and another. Four minutes passed and it was already 12:00. We were staring at the clock for Kami knows why.

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