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I steadily walk over to the dorms. Taking my time, there is no need for rush.
This little body of mine ran out of spiritual, physical, and emotional energy. All swept away like the ocean does when you have written something in the sand.

When I get in earshot of the house, I hear crying. Crying that makes me want to cry. But I can't cry now can I? If I start to cry I won't stop until I'm satisfied, and we all know damn well it ain't going to happen any time soon.

I walk slower than I was a second ago, wondering if I do so, the weeping will stop and I won't have to be there with the cries. Comforting it when I too need it.

The faster I walk, the louder it gets. The more I stop the hurting continues. That's why the slower I walk, the quicker it's over.

I'm a terrible friend.

I'm always questioning if it's okay to be a little, not a lot, clingy. Like can't I just hold onto that something or someone and not let go?
But they say the clinger they are, the crazier they get.

I'm a terrible rival.

Am I even consider one? I mean, we already know who won, yet I still consider myself a rival. But don't the best fiends always win? They're considered best-friends also.
I hate love, and the rivals that come with it. But I can't stop myself for falling in deeper and deeper the more we becoming closer and closer.

Y'know i always thought it was going to be the two of us forever together forming our own dynasty. When I've confessed my feelings in high school we would have been know as "Roukro and Mayura the high school sweethearts", and then suddenly one day he gets down on one knee and says magical words that could've changed my life, and his, forever. The perfect couple.

He's mine! I want to say, but I've lost. I wish I was the other half of the star.

I swear, anxiety got my thoughts killing me from the inside. Emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

I get to the dorms, not walking past the wooden gates. Instead, standing exterior of the building. Standing there until I hear no more of the hurtful cries.

Oh the sweet, sweet, sound of silence. What a beautiful sound.

I hear the grass ruffle behind me. The rocks rub against each other.

He's coming out.

I stay planted where I am. I can put on an act if he ask me what I'm doing standing here.

He then starts moving. Step by step getting closer to me, step by step my heart beating as if I will continue living by the paste it's going at. Step by step I wish I'd have a do over.

I want to do everything over, starting from when he got his impured arm. I want to make sure he doesn't get it. I want tot make sure he doesn't suffer, he doesn't meet Yuuto, he doesn't get depressed for so many years, he doesn't hate the job he loves so much. I want to make him live a normal life.

I drop my head so I can stare at my feet, but being normal has its difficulties doesn't it?

I swear, being anything has its difficulties Mayura. And plus, would he be happy?

I lift my head. I see Rokuro outside the gate looking forward.

I wonder it he notices me.

"Ro-" I start off, but it's to soft for even me to hear. But it doesn't matter anyway, he starts walking left without looking at me which would have been right, but no.

I stay there for a hour and a half, just thinking about my life, Rokuro's life, Adashino-sans life, and Shimon's as well. He doesn't play a big role in some of our lives, but I know he will one day.

As I was thinking of Shimon, surprise surprise, he appears next to me.

"Why do you always come at the right moments?" I ask.

He doesn't say.

"Why is it always you?"

No respond.

"Why do I always end up crying for him?" I start to tear up in front of Shimon, damn now this is embarrassing.

I let out a whimper, reaching out to Shimon so he can comfort me. In the process of reaching out to him, I stumble on a rock and fall into his hands. He catches me in the moment. My hero.


"Shimon," I look up to him with a face full of snot and tears, "will you be my hero? Will you never leave me? Will you be with me until my-my dying breath?"

He looks at me with warm eyes, "Always." He says with a smile.


•this chapter was early surprise surprise 😂

• you enjoy it?

•question: who's you favorite K-pop idol/band/singer?

•another question: whose your bias?

•another nother question: got any K-pop shipping?

•a nother nother nother question: what's you favorite song from them?

1. BTS, Got7, Nu'ETS, & Jay Park

2. Jay Park and Rap Monster💕💍

3. VKook, Jay and me, Rap and Me.

4. Born Singer & House Of Cards: BTS//Me Like Yuh: Jay Park//Face: Nu'ETS

• when I'm old enough I'm moving to Korea who coming with?

•s h e L t e r: heads up and chapter 1 are out. please go read (vote and comment) and tell me your feelings.

i pray for your continuous service as a reader.

I got that off of Eden of The East( it's not exactly like that I changed one part cuz I wanted to make it reader instead of savior) amazing anime, u should watch. it comes with two movies, you can watch in sub or dub.

•love you (say it back) 😍💜💯

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

"Don't be that type of shy
reader! Express yo feelings!"

Comment fan vote.

im out.

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