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"Are you sure Benio-sama?" Granny asked as I peered up at the blue sky. It was the sea but upside down, with no extra anything to be seen. Despite the sun, there were no clouds.

"Yeah," I thought long and hard for this, I know what I am doing and I know who I'm going to hurt. I'm ready. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but without my enchantments, my powers . . . I feel like I have lost a big part of who I am. And not knowing how to get them back was freighting because I don't know if It will take a decade or even a century to get them back. And I'm not waiting my life just to get them back. Maybe this was meant to be. "I'm sure."

Granny looked at me with teary eyes. She's the only one who knows where I'm going to be staying for a couple of months. "Oh, and, don't tell anyone I've been here or you've seen me. Act like it's a big surprise when he comes and ask where I've gone."

"How do you know he'll come?" Granny asks with her little ol' lady hands shaking. I squat to her level and take her hands into mine. Enclosing them, letting her know not to worry.

"Don't worry," I kiss her cheek, "he'll come." I let go of her hands, stand back up and start to walk, "Bye, bye, Granny." I say without looking back.

"Wait!" Granny called out. I stop in my tracks. "What if you don't come back in a couple of months? What if something bad happens to you? What if--what if--"

"Granny!" I say, "Kinako is with me. I'm going to be alright. Don't worry to much, please." And I leave without saying another word.

I am going to regret this, but this is life. It's fate.


It's been a couple hours but I'm already at my destination.

I breathe in the fresh air and breathe it back out, "Well, this is where I'm going to be for six months, or so."

"Benio-sama," Kinako says getting out of his talisman form and into his shinigami, "I'll follow you were ever you go, until the end. You know that right?"

I nod.

"Okay," he says jumping onto my head, "then please call me when you need me. Even if it's for something stupid. Call me. I'll be there, no second thoughts, Benio-sama."

I put down my luggage, and take Kinako off my head and face him my way. "I'll call you. For sure, I promise."

I rub my cheek against his.

"Now," I said, "let's go to our new home, Kinako."


Night time rolled around without me realizing it. I was so focused on unpacking that everything else's didn't matter.

"Benio-sama," Kinako hollers from the kitchen, "dinner is served."

I walk out of my room towards the kitchen. Dinner smells delicious. "Kinako," I say, "that smells delicious." I take a seat at the table and await my serving.

"Ha! Ha! Of course it smells delicious. The one and only Kinako made it!" He said acting all high and mighty.

I giggle as I take the food from his hand. "What is it anyway?" I say smelling it.

"Rokuro's special." He says.

I stare blankly at the food. Why would he make this? I take a bite of the food. Chewing it, savoring the flavors. "It's better than his." I remember that day as if it were yesterday. I was going to fight Kamui without telling Rokuro, he eventually found me out, when he found me, I was lying weak on the ground and hurt. I felt like the biggest loser for not avenging my parents.
It was his day to make dinner too, he shoved me out of M. and forced me to eat his horrible food.

Is It Even Possible!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora