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this photo ^ has nothing to do with the story, but Draco is just so darn cute with those lil ears!

Later that afternoon, Draco sat in his one room apartment he's been renting in the muggle world. Earning muggle money was far easier than wizard galleons. Also it was nice to be away from magic and push his crazy world out of mind for a bit. Draco also wanted to be the opposite from his father, so he welcomed muggles and muggle borns into his life as friends instead of enimies. Although, he would apparate into the Wizarding World when he needed company of his own kind, or when he wasn't working to afford his housing.

Of course, living there made it difficult for his wizarding friends to contact him using the owl post. While Draco took part in some muggle activities and accessories, he refused to use.. technology did they call it? It was some insane sorcery, so mysterious and impossible. If only they knew the simple ways of magic.

However, sometimes Draco's owl would make it in without being seen, either for company or to deliver a letter. After the war, Professor McGonnagal gave him an owl as a gift. He was waiting a reply back from Hermione, who said she wanted to see his new apartment. He smiled at the thought of her name. "Only" had a crush on her, huh? Draco teased himself. He couldn't decide if he still liked her. Hermione deserved better than him anyway.

Just then, his thoughts were interrupted. "Dux!" Draco exclaimed happily when his owl suddenly flew in through his open window. "Where've you been?" he took the letter from his beak and pet him softly. Before he could walk to his desk and open Hermione's letter, another owl flew in. An eagle owl;

his family's owl.

White faced, Draco walked over and took the parcel tied to the owl's feet. He froze. It was from his father. Direct contact from the dark wizard he thought was gone forever.

He quickly untied the small package with shaking hands. Inside was.. his mother's Thestral hair bracelet? But why would Lucius have it? Why wasn't his mother wearing it? Draco's heartbeat quickened. He ripped open the letter and read his father's short, dreadful words.

Meet me behind Borgin and Burkes, or this bracelet will be all you have left of your mother.

~ L. Malfoy

Draco's heart began to race as a million thoughts shot through his head. What has Lucius done to his mother.. Because Draco is slow at receiving anything from the owl post, this letter could already be behind the scheduled arrival. He could have been expected days ago, and wasn't there.

He couldn't wait any longer. Through his surfacing panic attack, he grabbed a few things throwing them into a bag, snatched his wand and coat off the desk, and ran out his apartment - hoping he wasn't too late.

And so begins the plot I've been blabbing about! Sorry the chapter is so short, though. Actually today, I just completed all my notes on the plot, so now it will be easy to write and follow, which means updates will come every 5 days or less! 

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