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 I found this edit and I love it! ^

Draco cautiously made his way through Nocturne Ally, careful not to make eye contact with the darker witches and wizards. He came up to Borgin and Burkes and went inside. The store owner looked at him and Draco quickly covered his face before the wizard could recognize him. He paced quickly through the store and out the back. Stepping into the alley behind, he stopped. Turning around in a full 360, Draco searched for any sign of Lucius. You're too late, the voice in his head cried, and the panic within cumulated.

Then from the shadows, Lucius stepped into view with a dark smile. "I knew you'd make it" his raspy voice echoed in Draco's ears.

The fear and submission screamed to resurface, but Draco remained firm, unleashing the courage he had found before to defy the dark wizard. He clenched his teeth. "What do you want, Lucius"

Lucius must have seen the tiny ounce of fear in Draco's eyes, because his evil smile widened. "Let's get straight to the point, shall we?" Lucius started walking slowly toward Draco as he spoke. "I need something from you. Something misplaced on the grounds of Hogwarts. See, my.. friends and I are on an important undertaking. We lost something, but we need help to get it back. I can get that help from a little artifact called the Resurrection Stone." He paused for effect and looked at his son, who spitefully stared back. "I want you to find me this stone, and bring it to me," power shone bright in his eyes.

Draco shook his head slightly, "I'm not under your command anymore. I'm 18. You can't make me do anything." Draco shook from anger.

"Oh, but you would do it to save your dear mother, won't you?" Draco's face hardened knowing he was trapped. Lucius pulled out his wand and looked it over. "Of course, we could do this the hard way. I do enjoy the sound of screams."

Draco's face went white and all the courage from prior, disappeared as he stood speechless. The forbidden curses. Of course his father wouldn't be afraid to use them. Draco had to give in. It was the only way to protect his mother.

Lucius smiled, and his face sarcastically softened as he reached Draco, now only inches away from his pale face, and whispered, "all I'm asking is for you to bring me one tiny, little stone, Draco" He said in his fatherly tone. A triumphant smirk spread across the death eater's face - he had won.

Okay so I just realized that I haven't even used one spell yet in all 11 chapters I've written so far. And yes, I have more chapters written then what I'm posting. That's because I want to be at least three chapters ahead in case I'm too busy to write one week, I'll have chapters ready. That way I won't disappoint you all :)

Thanks so much for following and reading this, means a lot! 

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