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Draco stood on Platform 9 3/4 with all his wizarding friends, waiting to board the Hogwarts Express. It was now early September, a few weeks after Draco's encounter with Lucius. The returning Hogwarts students were saying goodbye to their families, and Draco stood with his friends as they chatted with those who weren't returning.

Not feeling up to talking anymore, Draco said his goodbyes and boarded the train, finding an empty compartment. Once the train left the station, a familiar face appeared at the glass door, smiling. It was Hermione. She came in and sat down on the opposite side. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments.

"Why aren't you with your friends?" Draco asked.

Hermione shrugged. "I always sat with Ron and Harry," she paused. "But I mostly came here because you looked like you needed company." Draco gave a small, appreciative smile. More content silence followed until Hermione spoke again after a while.

"I've noticed, Draco," Hermione pulled his attention from the window to her; "that you've been different lately. What's bothering you?"

Draco stared at her and his chest burned with a painful desire to tell her about Lucius, but the dark wizard's final words still stabbed at his heart: Oh, and I'd be careful who you let in on your task. The curse is on the tip of my tongue and just might slip. Draco looked at Hermione, his voice cracked, "I'm sorry.. I can't tell you." tears threatened to spill.

Hermione looked back at him, all joy dropping immediately, and she moved to his side sitting closely next to him. She took his hand in hers, and laid her head on his shoulder. "It's okay, Draco. You don't have to say anything. But I won't let anyone hurt you."

Draco tightly shut his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek. He squeezed Hermione's hand and laid his head on hers. Gathering himself, he whispered back. "And I won't let anyone hurt you."


Upon arriving to Hogwarts that evening, everyone dispersed to the carriages. As Draco and Hermione stepped out of the train, now chattering happily, someone stopped them short.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall called from beside the train.

The two moved to the side and smiled. "Evening Professor," they said at the same time.

McGonagall smiled. "I wanted to let you know, before the feast, that you both were chosen this year as Head Boy and Head Girl," she said, almost too excitedly to be professional. Draco and Hermione's mouths dropped open in a huge smile.

"You will stay in your house dormitories, watch over and assist younger students, and on the weekends I'll have extra activities I'll be needing of you. Many more responsibilities come with having this privilege. Don't abuse it." McGonnagal looked at them through her spectacles, making sure the young witch and wizard understood. A new smile crossed her face once they nodded. "With that, here are your badges," she pulled green and red badges out of her robes. Draco excitedly snatched his out of her hand and held it up, admiring it. But Hermione waited for her hard earned pin to be handed to her.

"I'm proud to honor you both with Head Boy and Head Girl," McGonnagal announced as the they beamed up at her.

Draco and Hermione walked to the last carriage, they marveled at their respectfully earned labels. Draco slung his arm around Hermione's shoulders and she looked up into his soft, gray eyes.

"What a great surprise." Draco hummed as he looked forward.

Hermione put her arm around his waist and gave a small laugh. "Yes, it is."

So my sister told me that apparently the fan fiction term for any 'innocent, cute "couple" thing' is called Fluff. So there's your Dramione Fluff (I'm still laugh at that term and its been a week. help.) If you want some more Dramione, check out my one shot, Your Perfect Flaws! ;)

Guys, I have terrible writers block right now on chapter 12. But it's a good thing I still have chapters to post, and I'll probably be over my stump within a week, so not to worry.

Deliberate Choice (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant