one: the proposal

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Mike's POV

"Tonight's the night, Mike. You've been waiting years for this moment," I said to myself as I fixed my tie. I took the small red box out from the bottom of the drawer, where I hid it.

I opened the box, revealing the sparkling silver ring. "I've worked so many extra shifts for this," I closed the box and put it in my pocket. "But she's worth it... I hope she says yes."

I walked to the night stand next to my bed and picked up a framed photo of me and Eleven. Her hair was cut in a pixie cut, just the way she liked it. She was beautiful. Her brown eyes, her smile... Everything about her, I adore.

Eleven was with Nancy, who was saving me time to get ready. The reservation was set for 7:00, just around when the sun would set.

"Time to go."

I left our apartment and drove to Nancy's to pick Eleven up. When I pulled up, I shut the car off and took a deep breath. It was like the closer I got to the front door, the more nervous I felt. Before I could knock, the door opened. My jaw dropped. Eleven looked absolutely breathtaking.

She was wearing a beautiful red dress, which flowed at the bottom, with short black heels.

I held my hand out to her, "Shall we?" She smiled, closing the door behind her. She took my hand and we walked to the car. I opened the door for her, and then we were on our way to the restaurant.


It was 6:53 when we got to the restaurant.

We got out of the car and walked into the restaurant hand in hand. The hostess smiled, "Good evening! Do you have a reservation?"

"Hi, Mike, table for two."

"Sure thing, follow me!"

We followed the hostess to the balcony dining area, the sky was an orange-pink color, and the view was perfect. "Thank you," Eleven said to the woman. "My pleasure, enjoy you two!"

As the hostess walked away, I swore I heard her say how cute we both were. She was an older woman, maybe mid-thirties, and she gave me a wink and a thumbs up before she left. Maybe proposals usually happen in this restaurant?

I looked at Eleven, "You look beautiful tonight, as always." She blushed, "Aw, thank you."

She took my hand and we stared into each other's eyes until the waiter came. "Good evening, would you guys like anything to drink?"

I looked at Eleven and she nodded, "Just water for the two of us." The drinks came quickly, and we ordered our meals.

Now, we had more time to talk. "How was your day, babe?" I asked. She smiled, "It was good. I've missed you all day."

I took her other hand, "Me too."

She smiled, bearing her teeth, "I love you, Mike Wheeler."

"And I love you, El."

I was so deeply in love with her, I couldn't wait for the food to come so we could eat, then I could finally propose.

My prayers must have been answered, because the meals came. The sky was now a pink-lavender color, and white string lights turned on. Perfect.

Within 20 minutes we finished our meal, the waiter took our dishes, and I paid the check. The sky was dark blue, and the lights seemed brighter, even luckier, the moon was full tonight.

Eleven got up from the table, "Hey El? Can I say something really quick?" I felt all eyes on us.

"Of course, what is it?"

"Eleven, I have loved you for a very long time. Since we were only twelve, I knew I wanted to make you mine." I got down on one knee, and took her hand.

Tears started to form in Eleven's eyes, hopefully they were tears of joy.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so incredibly lucky to have you in my life..." I took the small red box out of my pocket, and opened it. "Eleven, will you promise to be mine forever?"

Tears were running down her cheeks, "Yes. Yes, of course Mike." I put the ring on her finger.

"Now you get to be Eleven Wheeler." Tears of joy started to fill my eyes.

I stood up and pulled her close, planting a kiss on her lips. "Now let's get home, Mrs. Mike Wheeler." We linked arms and walked out of the restaurant, I don't think I've ever been happier.


We got to the apartment and cuddled up on the couch watching Pretty Woman, it was her favorite movie, and she loved to dance around to the song. It's one of the cutest things she does.

She fell asleep in my arms, and snored quietly. I stroked her short hair, being sure not to wake her, then kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Eleven."

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