three: i'll never forget

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Mike's POV

I took Eleven's hand and we laid on the blanket watching the clouds float across the sky.



"I know what day I want to get married."

I turn my head to face my beautiful fiancé, "Really? When?"

She smiles at me, "The day we first met. November 6th."

"Why's that?"

"Because you saved me that day. And I never want to forget that."

I smiled even wider, and my face was heating up. I knew my face was red now. "I'm glad that I met you when I did. You made everything better for me," I said as I stroked her short hair.

Eleven moved closer and I wrapped my arms around her to cuddle, "We can get married the day we met."

She kissed my cheek, "The day I'll never forget. Thank you."

We spent two hours at the park and decided to head back home, when we got home we watched Sleeping With The Enemy.

"I hope you know I'd never do that to you."

Eleven had her head on my lap and looked up at me, "I know."

I was going to say something, but I was interrupted by the phone ringing. I got up to pick up the phone and Eleven sat up.


"So Mike, how did it go?"


"And Lucas. And Will. Come on dude, tell us!"

"Well, we're engaged now."

The guys' cheers were so loud I heard them over the phone.

Lucas picked up the phone, "So when's the big day?"

"We're thinking November 6th. The day we met."

Lucas's tone became serious, "Dude, are you insane? Do you remember what else happened that day?"

I sighed, "Will..."


"Lucas, it's what she wants, and if that's what she wants then I'd be more than happy to follow through."

Will took the phone from Lucas, "Hey Mike, when's the wedding?"

I took a deep breath, hoping that Will wouldn't freak out, "November 6th."

Will was silent for a moment, "Cool."

"You don't mind, right?"

"Of course not. That was years ago, no big deal."

I can't tell if he's lying or not. He sounds so okay with it, but he's still pretty sensitive about what happened...


There was another silence. Finally Will spoke, "Listen, I gotta go, pizza's here."


"Bye, Mike."

Will hung up the phone and I walked back to the couch.

"The guys?"

I sat down next to El and huffed, "Yeah."

"Is something wrong?" She took my hands and gave me a look of concern.

"I don't know... I don't think Will ever got past what happened to him..."

Eleven put her hand on my cheek, "He'll be okay soon. I promise."

I smiled weakly, "I hope you're right."

Eleven rested her head on my lap again and we took the movie off pause to continue watching the movie.


The movie finally ended. "Another movie or dinner?"

"Another movie."

I smiled, "Pretty in Pink or The Breakfast Club?"

"The Breakfast Club."

"Okay." I put the tape in and walked back to the couch and sat, putting my arm around El's shoulders. One of her favorite songs came on and she started to sing. Whenever she sings, it brings a smile to my face. She has such a soft voice and it's so beautiful. I dream that one day she'll sing our kids to sleep.

Eleven stroked my hair and sang to me, causing me to smile. She stopped singing as the song ended, "I love you, Mike."

"I love you too, Eleven." I kissed her forehead and she sat up to kiss me on the lips.

"Not as much as I love you."

"You're right. Because I love you more than that."

She laughed and playfully pushed me, "We'll call it even."

"You could say that."

We stopped the movie and decided to go to bed. "How is it that you make my t-shirts look good on you?" I wrapped my arms around her, "Stop being beautiful."

She laughed cutely, "No way."

"Yes. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever met."

She blushed, "Stop it, you're kidding."

"Eleven, you had my heart the moment I met you. I wouldn't lie to you."

I laid down on my side of the bed and Eleven laid next to me. We got under the covers and she put her head on my chest. I played with her hair until she fell asleep and kissed her on the forehead before I turned off the lamp to sleep.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful."

Promise Me Forever (Future Mileven)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα