Lets backtrack with Lapis

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Lapis POV

Hey there I'm Lapis I'm almost 19... in a few weeks my favorite color is blue, I have a short, cute, and smart boyfriend, Peridot I and his friends call him peri. We've been together for two years now... Our anniversary is almost 3 months away. When we started dating I wasn't very 'happy' with my life then or the past relationship, He says I was depressed I think of it as; terrible thoughts, very tired, and not eating a lot. But he helped me through that stage in my life, I thank peri for that everyday I really love him and all but... I'm waiting for the next step (Engagement) He isn't ready for all that I do drop some hints in my flirting. I flirt a lot... And annoy him, he isn't really even the type to want sex but he seems fine with me around. Who knows I definitely don't, I just hope in the next few years he does. We have the same friend group; Rose, Amethyst (Amy), Pearl, Sapphire, Greg, and Ruby. We are all in the same college I stopped writing in my new diary sat it down.

I walked into our (peri's and I) room he was laying on the bed I jumped on him he was startled for a sec "Periiii ~ come and play with me I'll make it worth you while~~~" I said In a teasing tone I gave him a kiss and kept kissing him he started to groan I love making him make noise's especially from sexual pleasures. "Lapisss we have to go and sing up for our class.... Mmm." He said painting from the lack of air I hopped of him and handed him some keys and walked out the door, the crew except for ruby was out they where talking about something, i didn't really talk much i just over heard Greg's suppose cousin... until ruby walked up towards us, We all walked to the school we signed up for the 'freshmen classes' "Yo they having a party tonight who's down?"Amy asked  "No one classes start in 3 days." Peri responded "True. Lammmmmeeeeee."Amy sobbed  "No one is stopping you, you can go and have. as major hangover when school start." Greg chimed in "Nah I'd rather chill and check out campus before I do party.... You guys down to check it out?" Amy asked the crew nodded we where at the edge of campus we turned around. Walking around the dorms,We saw a bunch of people inside a bunch of people where outside, we where basically scaling the college seeing where everything was we walked towards the pool. There where some people on the stairs "Hey can I have the right side on the bed?" I asked peri "What?" He asked me I guess he couldn't hear me, we continued walking"Well well well what do we have here?" A loud and raspy voice said peri froze, The crew looked. My eyes went dead as I saw who it was if you read my body type it should have said kys fgt (Kill yourself Faggot)

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