White boi Fade

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Sorry if you find the title racist

Peridot pov

She was already awake making me breakfast. "Mornin." i said in a tired voice, "A good one, its almost afternoon peri."she replied. I put on my boxers and walked towards the breakfast bar, and popped a squat. (I want to kms for that...😅😐) i sat and watched her cook. Its actually amazing, how fast she can make a ten course meal. "Peridot. " she said talking me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" i responded "You do know i wount her the end of my sis and mother walking in on us... Having sex. Right?" she said trying to be thoughtful, and trying to actually focus on not burning the food. "Hon i actually forgot about that, i was actually more upset then when it happened." i paused she stopped for a second and looked me with a confused face. "More Mad at the fact we couldn't be like 🙏👐🙌 you know close, close. I was more mad than embarrassed. Not embarrassed just mad. But i will get along with your.. Our family, lapis." i said thoughtfully trying to make sense. She placed a plate infront of me. "Come again? " she simply asked. "I said i wasnt that upset, embarrassed. I was mad that we couldn't be as close as we were before the file for divorce. " i repeated " No, no no i heard that do the jester again." she said sitting next to me. And did the jester 🙏👐🙌 agian. "You look so silly like that peri. Long arms with short legs." she said before eating a fork full of food. "Yah know i do to wish to be taller than you one day." i said with a shiteating grin " And when that day comes ill ride your back 24-7." she said with a smirk. "Wanna bet?" i asked "Its a date." she replied playfully "Also your taking me shopping today." she said before taking another bite of food. "Yes, were gonna go shopping!" i said in a playful voice.

Time skip cause 2fuckinglazy

Im so gonna pay for everything, love hurts my pockets. "First thing first im gonna go redye my hair i need you to stay put for about... eh i dont know. Nor do i care, but could you stay near hear?" she said. I nodded went to the pretzel cart and got mini cinnamon pretzels. I payed and took a seat and started to think. I know something is definitely wrong with lapis, plus she hasn't been that close.. Not sexually but you know. Breaking the fourth wall are we? I need to do something that will surprise her just like pow! Just then i see birds store right across the road. A haircut. Perfect. I walked across the road and walked in, "Hey Peridot, what brings you here?" bird asked "Yah know thinking bout changing it up a bit. Yah see, me and the lady have been together for about 3 years. Im all the same, she changing it up, so i thought let me do a little surprise. " i said smoothly. "Finally, all this little ones need a line up of just something to there heads. But i dig what you saying, p" Shanelle said "Thanks Shay." i said to her and giving a little smile "So what you want in yah head boy?" bird asked me I started to think " A fade, dont give me dat military stuff neither. Just a fade." I stated "Step into my office." she replied. I sat down in the chair she put the apron around me and started the razor. "So P ruby was just up her a few days ago, is that why you came, just to holla at yah fam?" bird asked. "Nah, i promise Id take her shopping. And she is dying her hair in the mall right now." i replied. "Huh P she must really got you twisted around her." Shanelle said " Never have i been twisted, im just in love with her, that i actually care about wardrobe & shoe game is about. " i said proud "Love." they both said in unison then staring at me "What do you know about love?" a lady asked. "I know alot about love, just because my family their was no type of love in the house. I always got it from my boys." i smartly replied. "Then what is love to you Peridot? " Shanelle asked i took a deep breath and started to think about what i learned from me growing up. "Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own. Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. You can always fall in love with a smile but you can stay in real love with scars. Love is when you put yourself in a situation to save the other person with no care for the effect on yourself. Love is giving your last & all to the other person. Love makes you do stupid things that you ask yourself why did i do that? But you know the answer, because your in love." i said the mouthful thoughtfully. The whole establisment was dead silent, bird started to clap. "Oh my god Peridot i knew you were a softy, but i have you in mind as Mr. Loverboy." she said playful, i gave a little chuckle. I felt everyone still staring at me "You see this is what kind of men we need, they can be sensitive, kind and sweet. But all in our generation we have are woman beaters, dead beats, druggies, bad records, and plain out crazy." one other woman said "Oh contraire there are some good men out there in sure of it." i said. "Where? I haven't saw one in over a decade. " she asked me "A decade. Damn girl how old is you?" Shanelle said. "Watch yah mouth there is a little girl in here." i said "Sorry baby girl, but for real girl how old is you?" Shanelle said once again. "Girl im 47 (if you know the meme 😊😂👍) " she responded proudly, bird handed me a mirror. "I put your initials on the side, Loverboy." she said in a low voice "Bro i swear to god if you put LB in my head... " I threatened. At that some people walked in and some people left i checked my phone a easy 25 mins passed. "How much do I owe you?" i asked " On the house. " she said stale. "No no i insist. " i said while grabing a 20 and handing it to her. I took a seat in a empty spot and stay in the conversation, until this attractive girl walked in and she walked up to the desk. And took the seat right next to me "Hi im amber." she said facing me. "Peridot." I put my hand out she shook it "You have really firm hands peridot. " she said with a giggle "Thank you?" i said confused "i know this is sudden but whould you like you go to this event with me?" she asked while showing me tickets to a concert, my favorite band to Twenty one pilots. Brain work with my heart. "Sorry im of the menu for a while Amber." i said apologetically i got a text from someone. I pulled out my phone it was from lapis, lets see what she wants.

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