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Hey I'm back yeah a long time no see, but chapters coming soon people

Lapis Pov

I fall to the ground,  my face is stinging I see blood dripping on the ground. I look up to see Jasper he swings his fist,"No, Wait!" I yell, as soon as he hits me it goes black. I fall on to his old couch, he goes gives me a slap and a glare as he goes to his room. His sister just passes me as if I were nothing, I start to cry. I try to stop, but I can't do anything,  I can only watch my past.  I try to close my eyes and not watch but every time I blink I just hear him yell. I wipe myself off with a rag on the floor I got to the kitchen, run some water on the rag, then wipe off the dry blood. Jasper yells at the sound of the water,  I quickly turn it off. I look for my purse, I find my money to be missing,  everything is on the floor, my stuff is gone is all I can think.  I grab my phone turn on my camera and yep my nose is running with blood,  I have a black eye,  there is a fist mark on my face, my eye doesn't have it's pupil, and I can't stop crying.

Play Song

I go back in the kitchen,  look for something to take. I just don't want to do this anymore.  I hate feeling like this. No one would even care if I die anyways. I look at my arms you can see all the slits on my arms. I don't care I just want it to stop. He just doesn't give me enough love, like he even knew what love even is.  But I love him I mean yeah we fight, but he still loves me. What am I doing, I'm completely fine we just need work on how to fight the correct way. I'll go and try to make it up to him, it's always worked like that. I stand up,  the door unlocks and a girl walks in, "Who are you?" I ask trying not to show my face.  "Jasper's friend." she responded. Then Jasper comes out his room, about to yell at me thinking I left the house. Then he sees the girl,  he looks at us both then tells the girl to come to him,  she follows him.  "Jasper wh-" "Shut up and make dinner for me. " Jasper said interrupting me, then proceeding to take the girl in his room ignoring my yelling for him to stop. The door slams not long after I hear moans,  I feel tears streaming down my face, dammit I'm crying harder now.  Fuck this, I don't want to deal with this forever. I run to Jasper's mothers  room and search for anything to kill myself with. I find 1 and half bottles of pills I swallow them I drink some water to wash them down. I find a gun I run into the garage with the gun,  but I'm stopped in the living room by his sister.  "Hey what the fuck were you doing in my moms room,  you whore. " She said
I point the gun at her "I am not a whore,  fuck you I should fucking kill you,  now go run off and find some shit to do. " I responded with a shaky voice. "You wouldn't dare touch me bitch." she responded with a sly look, I walked closer and hit her with the butt of the gun.  She dropped to the ground and I drop the gun to the ground. What am I doing, fix this before Jasper gets you. I grab the gun and run to the drive way I point the gun to my head, I hear voices but I'm not listening I pull the trigger, but the gun jams. Great I can't even kill myself right, fucking Idiot. I Look to see 2 people running towards me, the first time I saw them. I drop the gun and start running for the street. I trip on my shoe laces, it went black.

Hold on to me
I've got one more question

I hear a faded voice say

Hold on for me
Did you learn your lesson

I hear peridot say

Everything goes black. I wake up finally, cold sweat runs down my back, I look around to see peridot sleeping next to me I hold him so tightly. I fucked up and I'm going to do everything in my power for it to go back to what it was.

Keke is back baby

Lapis x PeridotWhere stories live. Discover now