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I felt it deep within me, The poison of his hate in my veins. I felt like my body would turn to ash if I looked back, But I never did, no matter how many times I looked. The hallways stretched ahead of me as I ran, I was chasing my own feet with no place to go. Lost in an enigma that puzzled my train of thought, derailed from my sanity. It felt like I was miles away, but my body was there. I slammed hard into the wooden door and fell into the room hard. I did nothing but lay still, my eyes open and terrified. My soul still as a stone. The only things that was moving, was the chills that the pain and fear ringed out of my seemingly paralyzed body. What could I do, but let the tears burn my skin, and scar me. 

I felt a soft comfort on my head and froze, Someone had placed a coat under my head. The soft brush of fingers were brushing my face as I slipped into reality and was pulled from my nightmare. 

"Its alright, Ill help you." The voice whispered. 

Whoever it was stood up and closed the door, coming back to kneel by me. It was Lithuania. I should have known. I went to mummer thank you, but he hushed me, lifting my head and body to the bed. I was surprised that he could carry me, But I could tell he was struggling. Softly, I was placed in a bed. It felt warm and safe. I felt it. He sat on the bedside and looked at me. I felt his had go under my back and I grabbed his arm. He couldn't see it. No one can. 

"Its okay Prussia. Trust me." He whispered. 

" I cant trust anyone..What makes me believe I can trust you?" I sputtered and coughed.

He looked down, and then back at me with stone eyes. He turned his back to me and stood still for a moment before lifting the back of his shirt, revealing an array of many brutal scars. I could hardly count all the marks. They where of burns, whips and bites. So many forms of pain. Russia's malice was in his skin already. I should have guessed. It took my breath away when I saw them all, Like the life was sucked out of me. But I knew my pain was in good hands at least. I was with a good man.

He came and sat back down, I understood better now, and rolled over to show him the wound.I closed my eyes tightly as his fingers wove out the bandage, letting my flesh breathe. It stung. I wanted to let it suffocate and die. His hand brushed it softly, and I became tense. I sunk my teeth into the pillow, and my eyes squeezed out tears one by one, racing down my cheeks. The wind left my spine as It was once again covered by bandage. He was close to me, His face was buried into my lower back, the drops of ice like tears where curling and forming into puddles on my skin. I put my hand on his arm and pulled him up, I sat up to sit by him. 

"Thank you." I whispered. 

He looked at me. " Its the best I can do. I don't want anyone hurt like me."

I looked down, but he made me look back up at him. 

"No one has as many scars as me. Ill take a hit for anyone. after all, What innocence do I have left to be taken. Ill give it away free now." He looked down and smiled.

I looked at him wish sad eyes and left, but before I did, I put my hand on his shoulder. "You saved us all."

And with that, I left. Nothing left to say. 

I felt like killing Russia now. Not that I never did before, but this time, It was burning inside me. I wanted to murder him, but he is to strong. He could probably take a bullet to the head and still stand. I was helpless to his power. The aura that surrounded him was the thing only nightmares conceived. I tale in story or song. But no, He is real. Death walks in him. I have never felt more fear in not a moment, but a lifetime. 

Save me I was begging in my head. when I saw Russia's shadow behind me. I hit the wall, only to realize he never saw me. He saw Lithuania. He saw us. I looked down the dark hall into the light at the end where Lithuania was being held tightly against the wall, his hands bound with Russia's arm, cracking under the force. 

I felt the guilt rise into me, and I lost control of my mind. I ran for the door, but it blew shut. The last thing I saw was Ivan's smile before I hit the door screaming my heart out. I slid down and fought it with my back, Slamming it over and over, every hit sent a shot of pain down my body. The harder I slammed into the door, the louder Lithuania screamed. The slash of a whip screeching into the hallways. I lost my hope, my screams turned to begging pleads. 

Whispers on the wind of lost voices. The ones only the insane can hear. There drug. It was calling him out.

I heard the screaming stop, yet it was still going some how. I was screaming, on the inside. The door swung open slowly, letting out a shriek. I saw Lithuania on the bed, soaked with blood and tears. Russia moved in front of me. I was blind. I was dragged up to my feet but the neck and placed carefully onto the wall. I had no breath. He dropped me inside the room. I was gasping for whatever air I could muster. Desperate. 

"Run now and you wont have to take your punishment." He smiled at me, and then back over to Lithuania's bloody body. "He will take them for you. Though, I much prefer new blood, he is just an old rag now, Over used." He gave a queer look the the ceiling and looked back down at me. "Your still here?"

I looked down at my hands and whispered."Lithuania, run." Lithuania perked up at me, and began to cry, running swiftly from the room. 

Russia smile got bigger and he looked down, hands together and his eyes perked with joy. 

"Ya! Now you too can become one with mother Russia!" He spoke happily, with an evil quirk upon him. 

I looked down the hallways at Lithuania, Looking at me. The door shut tight and I smiled. 

"Lets play." Russia grabbed my arms and swung me over his shoulders, throwing my breath out of my lungs. He chucked me onto the bed and held me down with his hands. I didn't resist. 

"Playing nice? That's no fun. Lithuania always squirms." He frowned.

I clenched my teeth and looked down, My bangs in my face, blinded him from seeing me. 

He came close to me, putting all his weight on my wrists. I could almost feel my veins pop in my arms. His hair brushed my cheek as he gently came closer to my ear. I felt a soft kiss on my lobe and I shook. The bastard was so sick It was almost painful to even be close to him, this was like rape to me. I hated it. I loathed it. Suddenly, I felt the familiar crunch of teeth bite down onto my ear, I screamed in pain as I felt a trickle of blood run down my cheek. I felt something else piece my skin, that hurt just as bad. The words that haunt like night. The death in sound. Ivan's voice whispering the words "Ill make you squirm."

I was fighting So hard I let all the energy I had be wasted. I felt his hands run down my chest, with every stroke, a button from my blouse would fly away onto the sides on the bed. I filched every time. He must of got bored, he just ripped off the sides of my shirt and let it lay in shreds. Only remains where left on me, soon I thought. soon they will be soaked in my own blood.He lifted me again, I was limp from fighting, I had given up already. Weak. I was hit hard, chest first into a wall, his elbow was deep in my spine. 

"Whats this." He spoke angrily. "Why would you cover the beautiful scar I gave you?" 

I looked down without a word. His elbow dug deeper, My spine was about to snap. Deeper and deeper he drove it. "why why why.." He kept repeating. I whimpered and screamed, The pain was unbearable. I became angry and resistant again. "UGLY!" I cried out. He released me. 

"What?" He cringed. 

"Ugly." I screamed. "THE SCARS ARE UGLY!" 

I fell to my knees and his boot trampled my skull into the walls, the crack of the cement was left imprinted upon it. "Wrong!" He screamed, Ripping the bandage from my back. He keeled down by it, stroking around my wounds. "Its..beautiful." 

He was entranced. "Now." He said.

"You will learn to love them. I will cover you in art!" He announced loudly. Standing up and looming his shadow over my helpless, limp body. I am just a canvas, for a sick minded painter. 

Save me, anyone, please. 

Red Patches White Robes (RussiaXPrussia)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon