Frozen Hell

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Why is it so cold? they always told me hell was sweltering. I could hear the faint crackle of a flame on wood logs, It seemed close. I felt no heat from wherever the source was. How odd. I flt the breeze of a body wisp by me nose. I was so anxious to know what was going on, but I could not open my eyes to the world yet. I don't know why. Maybe I am dreaming, yet to wake up from this thin line between conscious and death. Please just wake me up. Spare me the dramatic flutter of nothingness. Suddenly a soft hand was placed on my chest, instantly it chilled the place it touched. Ivan is here with me.

I wanted to get up and bolt, but I could do nothing but lay still, like a corpse in a coffin. What is he doing to me now. and just as I was thinking that, the peaceful sound of tears rang in my ears. An isolated tear pooled upon my chest, trickling down into my gash. It was followed by another, and another. Each one stung like hell.

'That fool, crying on me.' I thought. It then awed me. he was crying, over me? What is this.

Right then I realized I could move my body again. I made him aware by letting out a soft mummer and a groan from the pain. He looked up at me with wide eyes, not even bothering to wipe the tears I noticed and I batted my eyelids open. We where alone.  A sort of lounge like setting, with a fire roaring in the place nearby. I could hardly feel any heat due to Russia. He looked afraid, but in relief. In short time I regained my strength. Rapidly I put my hand on my chest and felt it. It had be stitched together by hand seemingly. It was cleaned and felt much more comfortable. I sat up slightly, putting my hands behind me on the couch where he let me rest.

"Did you do this?" I looked at him. He looked down for a moment in solitude and looked back up. The tears scars where still on his face, layered over with a thick coat of lies. 

He smiled "Da. I don't want my favorite art piece to be ruined." And turned his back to me, grabbing something off the nearby table. What a cheap lie. He is hiding something from me, and I need to find out. I crave this secret of his.

He walked back with bandages and vodka in his hands. "Vodka?" I questioned.

"It helps with the wounds." He smiled and approached me. I turned around, showing him my back. He just looked at the marks there from a moment. Maybe even More than a moment. He was in a trance. I felt him get close to the bite mark, his breath swayed over it. It made me tense. Quickly after, I felt the sting on the vodka on the ex gash. I flinched and squirmed a bit, but It was not that bad. I honestly was becoming comfortable, Not that I could say the same for him. He looked heartbroken, just glaring at the laceration marks he was wiping clean, slowly. I don't know why, But I'm worried about him, I hate it.

"Put your arms up." He asked me. I did what he requested. 

He wrapped his arms around me, trailing a bandage behind him. He continued to clean, and bandage the rest of the gashes. After he concluded his assistance, I waited quietly for him to leave. There was a long pause of him just looking at me, and me looking at him.

"Are you leaving?" He asked. This was his room, stupid me.

"Uh-Yeah, sorry." I stuttered, gathering my myself frantically. And out of the blue, out of absolute nowhere he says.

"unless you want to stay here." he looks down. "With me."

I clear my throat. He just asked me to stay with him? Now I know there is something off. He either thinks I'm special, whats to murder Me while I'm here, or is in one of his awkward social interaction moods. What in gods name am I supposed to say to that. I took some time to think a moment, If I stay, maybe I can begin to solve more of the puzzle. I decided to stay. 

"Sure, I suppose that would be alright..." I said. He smiled at me. "But only because I'm to weak to go anywhere!" I snapped.

"That's just fine." He glowed. He seemed a little to happy. I am not letting this pass. My soul purpose in staying is to investigate Ivan. That's it. I keep repeating that thought in my head. God knows why. I decided I needed to get to the pint, stupid choice, but a solid one. i took a breath, straightened my back and looked at him dead.

"Why did you do this to me?" he smiled again. I knew he was going to lie. "Don't lie to me, I know when you lie Ivan." He scowled and looked at me angrily, but almost sad. 

"Don't call me that." he growled.

"Tell me why." I snarled back at him. He flew upwards in his chair, knocking it backwards, along with the table. I could feel the powerful aura of hate and doom pulse my body.

"GET OUT!" He screamed at me. I felt fearful and ran out, but before I reached the door, I felt the aura loom away and Russia saying. "I really thought you cared to spend time with me.." He pouted.

I just left. But I cant stop thinking about him now. 

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