Let Me In

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I was walking so fast my feet could hardly catch up to my boiling head. I kept looking back like he was following me. I felt stupid, running from my own shadow like this. Who am I kidding, I am stupid. I stormed to my room ready to jump to my bed and weep out all of the memory's. I crippled into the door, violently fighting with the doorknob. 

"AUG! FUCKING RUSSIAN BASTARD!" I Screamed. He locked my door. I gave up on it, transitioning to the next door in the hall. Locked. Next one, locked. One after another I scraped with the knobs, nearly ripping them from the walls. Eventually I was just slamming myself into doors. Begging the people, if any, to let me into there quarters. I had reached the last door, the one right beside Russia's. lithuania's room. I delicately rattled the door handle, it stalled. Locked like the others, what did I expect. I knocked quietly on the door. 

"Lithuania, Let me in." I muttered. I heard a shuffle in the room. It came close. I heard a light noise from the other side. I put my ear to the door. 

"Get out of here." He ordered bitterly. I held my ear back for a moment. 

"Help me!" I cried softly into the door. "Toris help me."

I found myself nearly bawling on the wood door, begging as if it where for my life. Maybe it is for my life, or at least for within and inch of its ending point. I stopped as I heard the click of a key. the door jarred open. A chain clinked and snapped as it reached its length. Lithuania poked his eye though.

"What is it?!" He bitterly asked. I looked at him, eyes swelling with fear.

"It was Ivan, he-" I was cut off as

Toris had pulled my in by the my arm. 

I fell back onto my left foot. "Hey what the hell?!" I whispered angrily.

He stared at me. "what the hell happened to you?! Your almost bare, and that scar!" He rambled.

I looked down at my body, I had forgotten all about it. 

"Russia..." I heard Toris muttered to himself. I snapped up at him. "Was it?" He looked away from me.

I hung my head, It was painful to say to him. After all he did to protect me, I just let myself get in harms way. " Yeah." I coughed out. He fell softly to him knees, his shoulders collapsed slowly. He choked and cried. I'm so stupid.

I looked down for some time, just thinking about how dumb I am, not even considering what the hell I was going to do about it. I guess nothing. 

I looked down for some time, just thinking about how dumb I am, not even considering what the hell I was going to do about it. I guess nothing. 

 I feel so useless. Standing by, watching him fall apart at the seams. I couldn't watch him anymore. I turned my back to him and rested my arm on the wall, glaring into the tarnished wallpaper. I tried to blank out his sulking, but it just seemed to echo louder in the walls of this room the more I tried. 

That's it. That's what sums this whole damn thing up. The more I try, I fail even harder. What a blissful and sad end to my existence. 

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