F O U R [ P M ]

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X: I saw you at gym class today, and boy oh boy did you suck at volleyball. But you still did it. You braced yourself and aced the whole class, even though you looked like an idiot. It's one of the things I love about you. The drive you have to make things positive, even when everything goes wrong.

M'kaayyyy: Getting all love - sick now are we :")?

X: Only for you my lilac.

M'kaayyyy: Wait! You're in my gym class?

X: Why wouldn't I be ;)

M'kaayyyy: Great. Now I have a stalker.

M'kaayyyy: and yes, I'm really bad at volleyball...and many other things for that matter...

X: is everything alright?

M'kaayyyy: Nothing you can do to help :/

X: I'm always there princess.

M'kaayyyy: How?

M'kaayyyy: I don't even know how you look like, don't even know your name. How am I supposed to know a guy if I haven't even seen him!

M'kaayyyy: Unless you're a GIRL!?

X: Hahahah xD. And your humor is still spot on.

X: and no. I'm a very privileged man, Thank you very much.

Last read at 4:00 pm, 7/5/2016

M'kaayyyy: Were we friends once?


X: We were more than that my flame, but you never noticed.

Last read at 4:30 pm. 7/5/2016
So how did this chapter go?
The song for this chapter would be: magic by coldplay from X's point of view.

What do you guys think is happening in Mikaela's life?

Let's find out shall we ;).


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