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Stiles pov.
"Stay away from me!" I yelled running into the high school throwing the doors open. Turning a corner after another, the beast of a man grabbed and threw me down the hallway. Slamming my back into the brick wall. I got myself up to be punched in the face, landing on the floor. He threw me again, into the library. I tried and tried to crawl away. He watched as I struggled, with his evil laugh he snapped my wrist. I screamed in pain, he flipped me and started punching me over and over again. He soon stopped. My vision blurred seeing a pair of red eyes staring back and his claws raised above his head......

I wake up while heavy breathing, resulting pain shooting through me. I look around with the sun blinding me I squeeze my eyes shut. When they adjusted to the light I look at my chest under the bandage seeing giant claw marks stitched shut and slowly as humanly possible healing. I sigh, wishing to have that werewolf healing.
It has been 7 days since the attack and about everyday two of the pack members stayed with me, saying it's necessary because the pack will take revenge of their packmate.

It's overwhelming plus I have a broken wrist and a sprained ankle. 'How in the hell am I supposed to walk!? It's actually getting better but still'.

The door squeaked open taking me out of my thoughts. "Good morning Stiles. You get to go home a day early." Melissa smiled with her clipboard in her hands.

"Really?" I ask surprised, raising my eyebrows. "If you're ready to leave, your dad and Scott are waiting outside." Melissa smiled.

"Thank god, longest week ever. Lets go then."

"Hold up..jumpy" Melissa said holding a hand up while smiling.

She takes the IV out of my arm and managed to turn off the heart monitor.
As she left to get a wheelchair I down two painkillers with water and slowly swing my legs off the bed. I lean over and groan as pain struck me. Just as I hear Melissa come in with a wheelchair I smile my goofy smile and slowly sit in the chair with her help. Melissa wheeled me out of the hospital to my dad's car with Scott hopping out, helping me into the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Skip car drive~~~~~~~~~

Pulling in our drive way. Scott turned around in his seat.
"Hey Stiles," I lift my head up off the window to face him.
"we thought that having a welcome home party wouldn't be good for you in your condition. That sound ok?" Scott asks not knowing what to expect in return.
"Yeah, thanks." I say to them both, I open the car door same as the others. Scotty helps me out and walk into the house (with me very wobbly).

"Stiles, want something to eat? Scott?" my Dad asked.

"I'm fine. I'll just head to bed" I answer.

"Yeah same here. Derek and Peter will be taking turns looking after the house so nothing happens. I'll swing by after my shift at the clinic. Goodnight to you both." Scott says before going back outside.

"Okay then...goodnight." I say closing the front door behind him. My dad stopped in his bedroom doorway. "I love you son, good to see you back." He shares a smile and goes into his room.
Because of my sprained ankle, I sat on the stairs and went up slowly.
When I open my door to my bedroom, I limp straight to my bathroom changing into grey sweat pants and removing my t-shirt. I look at myself in the mirror at my bandaged stitched chest and thinking 'wow after all this, I survived. I am a badass!' I laugh to myself with the little humor of it all.

I took a sleeping pill with a glass of water. Turning off the light, I go out to my bed and sigh as I lay down. Finally able to fall asleep when the pill kicked in.
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