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The pack includes Scott, Lydia, Malia, Kira, Isaac, Liam, Derek, Peter? and Stiles.
This is the song I was listening to while making this, it doesn't fit into this update, but I just wanted to share.

I wake up to the pack and my father staring at Peter and I. While still laying ontop of Peter, I quietly wake him and whisper "Everyone's staring". He hums in response, without opening his eyes he rolls over while holding me in his grasp. Shielding me from their sight.

"What's this?" Lyida asks intently. I peek my head over Peters shoulder and with a sassy tone I reply "We're trying to sleep, now shoo." I rest my head hearing shuffling of footsteps and the front door shutting soon after. I snuggle up against Peters warm body taking in his vanilla scent, with his arms wrapped tight around me.
'I haven't been this close to him before and I wouldn't mind doing it again' I thought as I fall into a deep sleep, feeling truly safe the first time after the attack.

Peter's p.o.v
I wake up to a soft snoring Stiles in my arms. I smile down at his beautiful pale features. 'Hmm...cute' I think.
Breathing in his intoxicating rich cinnamon scent once more, I force myself to get up from the comfort of the human. Carefully not to wake him, I drape the blanket back over his fragile body. I walk into the kitchen to text Scott.

To Scott: Can you stay with Stiles for a while? I need to make a run.

~2mins later

From Scott: Where are you going off to?

To Scott: Need to talk to an old friend. So is that a yes?

From Scott: Yeah i'll be there in 8

(Small TimeSkip)

After parking my car, I get out to see lights piercing through the windows of a small building. I sigh feeling vulnerable. Pulling the front door open I was greeted by a familiar males voice "Peter? What are you doing here?" I look up to the man I know all to well. "I need your help Deaton" I confess. "What can I help you with?" Deaton asks in response. "What does this mean?" I spoke revealing my glowing red/purple orbs.

He looks confused but surprised for a moment then spoke "Lets talk in the back." He opens the mountain ash gate that sat between us, motioning me to go through. When we got to the surgery room in the back, we stand on either side of the metal table. Deaton begins "This is rare, I haven't seen this in years." I nod as he continues "This means that you have found your mate or you've now accepted the fact that you have one." Deaton states. I let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding.

I rub my face pacing as questions run through my mind.
'Why me? I don't deserve a mate after what I had done. Will he reject me? I can't be, that's so much pain to bare.'

"Fear. It makes us overthink. Stops us from moving forward, from taking risks. But there is no need for it, not now." I stop and look at Deaton, confused as for what he means. He continues "Stiles will come around, don't rush it." "How did you-" I start but he finished. "-know? It's obvious, when you two are around each other you look at each other in awe. Since the day you met, you've felt something was there, the tension, the emotions you haven't felt in so long but always tried to bury."

I listened to every word and exhorted it. "Thank you Deaton, but don't tell anyone about this." I spoke. "Will do Peter." He shows a slight simile and a nod before I walk out.

I am so happy that I started writing again, I've missed it. I didn't have the inspiration to write for awhile now.
I know they're short updates, but I trying to get an idea for this book. Love ya readers.

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