Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

That night Ruby forced me to spill the details of the date over fast food milkshakes. Sipping the frozen carbs through a red and white straw, I dissapointed her with the simple fact that Nick had a silent demenor that- to be honest- made me slightly nervous.

"He is just... to tight," I explained, folding my legs up underneath me as I sank further into the couch.

"Hmph," she puffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "And here I thought you'd have him falling madly in love with you."

I laughed, taking another drink. "Yeah right. He is so hung up over his brother's girlfriend he can't even see straight," I groaned, biting the straw in between my teeth.

She choked on her milkshake, putting her hand over her lips to keep the vanilla from escaping. "Oh my gosh. What did you just say? So the tabloids are right?" She looked at me, brown eyes wide and freckles prominent.

I nodded, feeling a tinge of guilt of spilling the secret that wasn't really a secret.

Ruby clasped her hands together, drink in lap, her love of newly found drama coursing excitement through her fiery red viens. "I knew it. I could see it in the interviews!" She winked at me.

I rolled my eyes, usually I would take this oppurtunity to play giddy along beside her, but the thought made me feel nauseous inside. Nick was an easy going guy- up tight, yeah- but pretty normal from what I could tell. And I mean, come on. Who could help who they fell in love with?

After a few more interrogative questions from Ruby, I decided to throw myself into bed, knowing much sleep was much needed for tomorrow's date.


The next day, I ran errands while Ruby was at work. Running to the grocery store and picking up junk food we binged in pleasure on. With a cart full of minimum items, I patiently waited in line, phone in hand as I scrolled through Twitter.

My eyes slightly widened at the trending topic of "Nick Jonas lunch date". Curiosity getting the best of me, I decided to take a peek. And to much of my dismay, pictures of Nick and I holding hands down the street, sitting and talking at the table and driving away were floating everywhere across my lit up phone screen. My heart clenched in my chest. That was really me that all of these girls were freaking out about, that was really me. Speculation coursed through the tabloids. "Who is this girl?" "We just need a name." And I knew Scarlett purposefully left the name a mystery from the press.

I sighed as I moved forward, letting the cashier ring up my bags.

With grocery bags in hand, I walked to the parking lot, closing the door to my car when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Rayne, it's Scarlett. How are you?" her familiar proper tongue echoing through the phone speaker.

Sarcastically, I replied, "Just dandy, and you?"

I could hear her dissapoval in a scoff from the other end, but she quickly covered it up with her excited words. "So, the date yesterday was a complete success, I am so proud. There should be a dress on the rack for you to wear that is labeled, 'special occasion', make sure to wear that tonight for your dinner with Nick. And I have an appointment with a hair stylist for you-"

"What?" I demanded, pulling onto the main road. "I'm not getting a hair cut."

There was a sigh on the other end and I just imagined Scarlett with her red lips and long shiny finger nails, her chin resting in her slim fingers as she rolled her eyes. "Must I remind you that you signed a contract? Anyways, you are just getting a slight trim to tame the ends of your hair so you don't look so unruly."

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