Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

I sat next to Nick on the buocany of a high glamoured theater, watching the performers rush back and forth in distress as they acted out the musical. Nick liked musicals. So, here we were watching Les Miserables- which Nick had acted in around two years ago.

We hadn't really said much to each other since the chauffeur picked me up from my apartment. I did though start obvious flirting when the cameras turned on us arriving together- my arm in the crook of his elbow and my mascara-ed eyes batting when Nick talked to me. I knew I was overdoing it tonight, but I really didn't care. This is what Scarlett wanted from me- and heck, I was going to give it to her.

We sat now in our velveted seats, overlooking the entire theater and having a perfect view of the stage. With my right knee crossed over my left, I kept my eyes glued on the stage, not wanting to think anything of the last time we had sat by each other like this.

Suddenly, I felt Nick's hand land gently on my knee.

I straightened my back a bit, not wanting to cause to much attention- we were dating, this was just normal "dating" things.

Turning, though, I caught eyes with his dark brown ones, watching as they crinkled up at the corner as he smiled. Taking a deep breath in attempt to slow my now racing heart, I smiled back with tight lips.

He cocked an eyebrow, his way of asking, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head an mouthed, nothing. Turning back to the stage before I would really notice how his eyes seemed to glisten with the stage lights gleaming at us.

His hand relaxed more on my leg, unconciously sliding to my mid thigh. But I noticed and felt the skip of another heart beat, thanking the stars that I was wearing a floor length gown and couldn't feel the complete warmness of his fingers.

It was long more thirty minutes that I sat trying not to fidget, but the play finally ended and I clapped along with the audience, relief flooding through me when Nick removed his hand.

"They really executed that perfectly," Nick said as we walked through the flood of people. When the play was over he had extended his elbow out to me and I gratefully wrapped my arm in it's crevice as we walked to the formal room for the after party. "Although I feel that Marius could have glanced more at the crowd for Empty Chairs and Empty Tables."

I nodded, not really thinking that anything was wrong with Marius' acting. He was pretty hot and that was all I remember. I had a thing for men dressed up from the Victorian era.

"You're not really listening, are you?" Nick asked, breaking my thoughts as we strolled through more people.

I shook my head, reaching over and grabbing a chute of champagne from a passing waiter. "It's not that," I replied and took a small sip. "it's just that I didn't notice anything wrong with him- except for the fact that he was pretty handsome." I popped an eyebrow and tilted my glass with my comment.

Nick's features went hard, his eyebrows drawn and eyes narrowed at me. "How was he 'handsome'? You could barely see him." he spat, almost sounding like he was disgusted with the thought.

I laughed. Men, always having to be better than the next. I took a slow sip of my drink, watching him over the crystal rim. "Oh, I could see enough," I replied, slightly chuckling and shaking my head.

People walked over to us, introducing themselves to Nick and I. He snapped out of his jealous mood and smiled as he shook hands.

"Rayne," Nick said when we stood in front of an older man in a fitting tuxedo. "this is the director of the play, Paul Ludiwick. Paul, this is my lovely girlfriend, Rayne."

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