A snowflake locked in darkness

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She stared at her room with swirling snowflakes here and there. Her walls and floor are covered in ice after her mental break out.

Her parents died because of the shipwreck that caused her to freeze her entire room in thick layer of ice.

The cold air blow around her room because of her open window. Elsa slowly walk near it. She stared outside to see her sister.

There she is with other peoples who is griefing in the King and Queen's death. She's giving her last words, without her.

Anna...... Elsa shook her head, desperately, trying to calm her building emotions. The monster inside her is lurking.  Wanting to hurt someone.

Elsa quickly close the window and strut back her dark room with no warmth and calmness in it.

Just coldness and fear who wants to gulp you down in a place where nightmares belong. If only she can escape.

The funeral ended and everyone left. Anna walk in the dark corridors to her sister's room. For a moment, she felt the cold but then she ignore it.

Anna knocked on the door, wanting her sister to open it for her. Wanting Elsa to hug her for comfort.

"Elsa, please I know your in there

People are asking where you've been

They say have courage, and Im trying to

Im right out here for you

Just let me in"

Anna heard her sister sobbing.

"We only have each other

Its just you and me

What are we gonna do?"

Anna kneel down on the floor and back up on Elsa's door, pulling her knees closer to her chest.

"Do you want to build a snowman?"

And with that, Anna's voice broke as well her tears. Elsa sob while her back is on the door.

She heard footsteps after a moment and with that, she put her hand on the door.

"Yes Anna, I want to build a snowman."

She sighed sadly and lay on the icy floor, curling on a ball. She then drifted off, not minding where she's sleeping.

~~~~~~moments later~~~~~~
Elsa woke up, and its already the next day. She quickly stand up and hurried to her bathroom to take a shower.

After that, she change to a blue violet dress with designs on the bottom part and v neckline and colars at the side.

Her white undershirt are visible. The bottom part are cut into half. The sides are sewn aside and in the middle is white colored, with frills on the end of the dress.

Elsa tied her hair into a braid and put a blue headband. Her face shows stress and desperation to escape the darkness.

Her face turn into a frown. She step on the navy slip-ons and walk out her room, checking her surrounding. Her face look stern as she pass the corridors.

Maids quickly bowed their head as they got nervous at the princess' face. Its their first time to see the princess out her room again after the shipwreck.

"Prepare my horse, immediately." Her tone is cold. Colder than the ice if possible. The maids scamper on their feet quickly, frightened at her.

Elsa take her blue coat with dark blue ribbon. She tied it and off she go to the palace court where her horse is waiting.

Its white with a blue saddle and a snowflake with Arrendale printed word. Snowflake is the Arrendale's sign. Its a female and her name is Snow.

She rode the horse, elegantly. "I will come back before lunch. Make sure that the castle is well guarded. Never let any unwanted guests right before I come back." She said.

Elsa's voice are full of authoritiveness as she ordered her maids and some palace guards. "Yes, your highness."

Elsa held the reign and hit it as the horse galloped away the castle to meet the dangers of the outside.

Both of them reach the forest. Elsa's eyes twinkle at the sight yet, they look alert.

She doesn't want any problems to happen but then, she saw something rather someone.

Its a horse in white, galloping on the other side of the forest but clearly seen. Elsa glared at the sight and turn her head forward. She hit the reign.

The horse fasten its speed. She felt uncomfortable since the stranger also fasten its speed so Elsa pulled the reign and the horse slow down 'tiil it stopped.

The white horse stopped at the same time. Elsa stare at it in horror. No Elsa, no time for being coward. Her conscience growled.

She turn the horse on the back, ready to take off back the castle incase something bad might happen.

Her grip tightened on the reign. Her powers are cursing deep inside her, ready to blast the stranger.

"Why, hello there." Someone spoke. Elsa's breath hitched. She turn on her side to see the horse already there.

Elsa gasped accidentaly pulling the reign, hard. Her horse got shocked at the sudden movement so it sped off.

She grip the sides of the horse so she won't fall. "Stop, Snow!" She yelled at her horse.

The stranger seems to take off behind them. This is it. Im gonna die. Elsa thought.

She suddenly let go of the sides so she stumble back, the snow burying her alive.

Elsa quickly stand staring at her horse, leaving her. "Snow!" She yelled. Then the galloping became loud at her back.

She snap her head behind to see the stranger nearing her. Elsa gasped and pull her dress to her knees.

She run away trying to escape it. But then, she stumbled because a rock hit her. Elsa's cry of pain, rang in the air.

She fell on the snow, wincing in pain. The horse stopped, two meters away. Elsa got exhausted.

Then, the person walk near her and there she saw a brown haired boy. He looked quiet handsome, Elsa thought.

"Sorry to shock you miss." It politely sighed. "I-its f-fine." She whispered. "Here, let me help you." Then he kneel down.

"Aren't you cold?" Elsa asked out of blue. "No, Im not." And then, he put his hand out then blue glow suddenly appear.

Elsa gasped as she saw it. Cold air hit her throbbing foot until the pain vanished. "There you go."

"B-but-" Elsa is in state of shock. "Oh my! Sorry for my out of manners but, I got ice powers."

Then he held his hand out and a snowflake appeared. Elsa smiled. Atlast, she found someone like her.

"Me too." Then, snowflakes appear on her head. "Woah...." Elsa giggled. "Im Elsa, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Elsa. Im Jackson. Call me Jack if you want."

Hi snowgies! Omg! I reached 1086 words! Horray!

Anyways, Elsie met Jackie! That's good right???

*takes out a sword*

Me: right?

The someone: yeah it is!!!

Hehehe.... So yeah, gotta go!

*throws chocolates and snowflakes*

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