'Till we meet again

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Jack quickly lock himself in his room even if its useless, though. He needs to make sure that the Evil spirit in him won't hurt anyone.

But then, its not possible. He sighed, trying to control his emotion as ice aggresively cover some corners of his room.

Jack can control his emotions but not when his dark side would take control. Beads of sweat form on his forehead as he feel anxious.

Calm yourself, Jack! I can't capture your mind! His dark side hissed as Jack keep on thinking negative things.

After a few seconds, Jack felt a cold wind, sweeping his heart and next thing he knew is that, Jake is out.

"It feels good outside again!" He chuckled as Jack rolles his eyes. Such an annoyance, he thought. "Now, how about visiting your new friend?"

Jack went stiff. "Don't Jake, please." Jake ignore him, as he fled on the dark sky, flying straight to where Jack left her.

"Now, now where does she leave?" Jack laughed at him. "You're not gonna find her."

Jake angrily hissed. He form a dark blue eagle. "Find Elsa and bring her here." He ordered and with that the eagle fled on the dark sky.

"No..." Jack gulped.
Elsa keeps on turning around her bed. She's uncomfortable because she keeps on remembering those brown eyes and unruly hair.

That voice that would make her blush and that way her cares about her. Elsa smiled at the thought.

She sighed at her attempt to sleep so she change her nightgown to a blue dress with collar and frills, out of ice and a blue jacket.

Elsa creep on the castle's corridors that is dark and empty. Every step that she's doing are making soft noises.

She gulped and aftera few minutes, she manage to go out. Elsa walk around the castle, staring at the night view.

So sweet. But it all ended, when she saw a blue eagle, flying straight to her. Thats weird. Blue? The bird drop infront if her on the ground.

"Hi there, little fella." She smiled. It tilt its head. Giggling, Elsa stand up and walk away. She thought its here to rest but she's wrong.

Its here to kidnap her. How did she knew? It grasped her jacket and she no longer felt the ground. "Let go of me! Bad birdy!" She squeaked in terror.

It flew higher and higher. Oh my gosh! Shedecided to stay still or else she'll fall. Calm yourself, Elsa. Don't freeze the bird.

Its taking forever until the claw let go of her. Screaming, she fall down to the Earth. Elsa close her eyes as she ready herself on the painful impact that will lead her to death.

But then, she felt nothing. Elsa open her eyes to see that she's alive. Geez, what a crazy bird. "Hi." Elsa squealed and hit something. "Ouch!"

Woopsie..... She quickly apologize down. "Oh uhh erm s-sorry." Elsa blushed, embarassed. She hit this boy's cheek, hard. Now, its red.

Stupid reflexes. "That's painful!" He shout, his eyes flaming in anger. Elsa shrug. Of course its painful, idiot.

Her daze got broken when she found out that......"Jackson?" Jake flinched and sighed in frustation. "Im no Jackson! Im Jake."

"Oh, my mistakes." Elsa sheepishly shrug. Yeah, he's not Jack. He got black hair, eyes and pale skin.

Jack laughed at her stubborness. Elsa sighed and walk away. "Hey! Where are you going?!"

(A/N: That's right Elsa, walk away!)

"None of your bussiness. I dont like strangers." She murmured. Jake glared at her back, lBaaangrily.

He smirked and snap his bony fingers. In a flash, Elsa is stuck on the ground. "What the-"

"No cursing missy." Jake smirked. "Im no Jackson, but I do know him." Elsa noticed his eyes that is twitching in mischevous way.

"What did you do to him?" Jake ticked his tounge. "I lock him in the dark cage. Mercilessly, taking his strength and slowly killing him in sadness."

Elsa look at him, horrified. "Psychopath!" She spit. Jake laughed at her, humorlessly. "Uhuh. That's what Jacksom told to master after he killed his family."

Elsa's eyes widen. "Yeah, they died after master kill them, even his sister." He smirked.

Gulping, Elsa tried to break free from the ice. "No use." She tried her, unfreezing it.

The ice break and she fall down. Jake laughed and rise his hands as the ice spikes formed then he thrust his hand forward and they flew to Elsa's direction.

She stare at it terrified. She quickly swing her hand and the ice exploded. Jake raise his hand on the sky and a twitching blue ice ball formed.

Elsa stop for a moment and Jake took that opportunity to blast her. She fly backwards and hit a tree, leaving her unconcsious.

"Much better." Jake laughed. Jack scream furiously. "Don't hurt her!" Jack made an ice ball and throwing it. His surrounding exploded and so is the cage.

Jackson felt the pain and so is Jake. Both of them started thrashing and screaming and it wake Elsa.

"What happened." Her eyes caught the scene of Jake screaming, insanely. Elsa gulped as black strand of his hair, unconsciously turn brown.

"Jackson?" Then, a cold air erupted and Jack fall down. He manage to put Jake back the cage of his own.

"Jack!" Elsa quickly rush beside him. "Are you alright?" She asked, worried. "Im fine."

Elsa hug him and it made Jackson to startle. "Shh.... I just want a hug." He smiles and hug her back.

"Im sorry Elsa." Jack sighes sadly. "Not your fault." Elsa smiled. "I should leave now." He murmured sadly. And Elsa know what the meaning of his word is.

Elsa's eyes look sad as she watch him go. "Bye Jackson." She whispered. "Bye, Elsa. 'Till we meet again." And with that Jackson dissapeared in the forest, leaving Elsa broken.

She just lost her very first friend. She just lost it. Elsa sadly stare at his track. He's gone. Forever.
This part made me sad. This is frustating! Why did I even write this part. Oh wait..... Its a part of my plot.

Anyways guys, what do you think? What do you feel?

I feel frustated, sad and broken. They just broke their connections😥😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

This is sad!

The nuisance: Stop your drama, Geez. Your such a-

*nuisance check his name*

The nuisance: What the hell is my name nuisance?!

Me: Because I wanted to! Oh guys! I change his nickname😋😌😄😄😄😄😅😅😂😂😂😂😂

The nuisance: Not fun!

Me: Of course its not idiot. Would you feel happy if someone call you nuisance? Woul-

*nuisance cover my mouth with duct tape.*

Me: Mmmmrhrrrhhh!

*nuisance change nickname to 'Handsome boy of all'

Handsome boy of all: That's the end everyone! Goodbye! Oh and leave a comment. Vote and subscribe! I mean *fake cough. Voice with british or russian accent, IDK!!!😂😂😂😂*

Handsome of all: Please follow Jelsa_story.

Me: *eyes flaming in anger*

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