Unknown Feeling

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Jack gulped as he saw her. He got a feeling that meeting up with her again in this kind of time, isn't a good timing.

Elsa's eyes blinked as she glared fiercely to Jack. "How dare you to show up?" Jack sighed.

"Its an accident." He murmured, loud enough for her to hear it. "Its an accident, I know. What Im asking is that, why did you left me in the first place?"

Jack's heart crushed as the past of how he almost hurt her, came to his mind. He sighed. "I've done that for your safety."

Elsa groaned. "I know, Jack! But why do you have to leave me without a proper goodbye? Giving me a good reason before you left."

Jack look away. "I don't know what to say at that time." Elsa furiously stomp her foot. "That's the point, Jack. A simple reason would do. If you just told me the truth."

"Do you think that its just that easy, huh? Elsa! You saw the evil me! What do you expect for me to do, huh? Walk to you and say 'That's my dark side, Elsa. Do you mind?"

She sighed, angrily. "If you just explain some other reasons near to the real thruth or maybe give hints, then maybe everything will be fine."

"That's the hard part, Elsa! Do you know how hard it is to lie? To keep it a secret as long as I can? But, I tried and still, I failed because you found out!" Jack cried.

"I don't want to offend you but if only you told me the truth, I would truly appreciate it and even help you to confide your problems about it." She sadly sighed.

"I did expect anyone to get scared if I would tell them and guess what? They will! And so are you if Im gonna tell just before that incident to happen."

"Yes, I might get scared but you can explain it to me. And Im gonna help you as much as I can because that's what friends are for." Elsa sighed

"Oh so now we're friends." Jack murmured and Elsa stare at him, hurt. But they're friends, right? Well, atleast. She thought.

Jack sighed. "I don't want fight, Elsa. Its better if we would separate now on our paths than to make it worse."

Elsa shook her head, disappointed for herself. Never did she expect to encounter him after the past years. But then, Nature seems to disagree on their fight las time and so, they met.

Elsa jump up and sit behind Snow as she take a quick glimpse to Jack, seeing him stealing some glances from her.

She ignore it even if it hurts her much. Her long lost friend came back but now, the departure of each others is about to happen again.

A tear fell on her cheeks as Elsa bowed her head, her bangs covering her blue eyes. Jack noticed the tear.

He feel guilty. He shouldn't have make the fight to go worse. Before he can open his mouth to say sorry, Elsa hit the reign and her horse galloped away with her.

She go away leaving a trail of sadness that Jack can feel. How much pain can I take before I collapse.

'You'll feel the pain until you give up, get locked up in a cage of hatred, pain and darkness and never to rise up again.' A dark voice spoke in him.

Jack hit the reign of his horse at they gallop away, leaving a memory behind. A memory that causes of never forgiving himself unless Elsa will forgive him.

On the other hand, Elsa cried silently while her horse galloped all the way, back the castle. Her mind is flying all the way up until it reaches the sky.

She's thinking if they are truly friends for the first place. But friends or not, she's ready to help him. She felt the desperation clawing her.

Both of them felt depression and sadness eating them alive. They never felt this feelings before but why now they can?

That question is left in their mind, remaining unsolve that can last forever. (Which I exaggerated)
Im so sorry for the short chapter. I didn't mean of leaving you, hanging. I just felt a what they call writers block.

*take a big and thick book* Based on my book of present-past-future. Im just joking. Anyways, get ready for the next chapter, Bye!!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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