Beauty meet the Beast

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He met her. The one that he doesn't know will melt his frozen heart. "Nice to meet you." She smiled, her light freckles becoming visible.

"Nice to meet you too." Jack spoke, softly. "Im sorry for scaring you. Now your horse left you." He sighed in embarassment.

"No its fine, really." Jack nod in understandment. "How are you going to leave?" He asked.

"Actually, I don't know." Elsa sighed in despair. "Im gonna bring you back, if you want." Jack offered.

Besides, its his fault to scare her and the horse to left. "Ummmm sure." She smiled.

Jack quickly jump up on his horse and held his hand out as Elsa accept the offer. Then, he felt electricity cursing on his body.

His breath hitched but Elsa didn't notice it. Then, they took off as he felt Elsa's hands, wrapped around his torso.

He felt some tingling sensation in his heart which he ignore or else, they would fall.

The horse then hault as Elsa said that she's already fine by walking. "Are you sure?" Jack asked.

"Yes, don't worry." Elsa smiled in gratitude as she wave goodbye. Jack suddenly ran his hand on his hair.

He pull the reign of the horse and hit it as they took off back to the castle. Yes, its a castle. But it looks dark and cold.

Jack doesn't care about iy since no one knows about his castle. He sighed as his head started to throb. Its a faint throbbing but he didn't let it to take over his mind.

He ignore it and enter a room where it is always locked. No one can enter except him. It is a special place. Much important that any other places.

He got a secret that only him, knows. He would always keep it away from anyone. Its very hidden. If ever someone found it, he would go berserk.

Jack walks far away from the ice wooden door after closing it behind him, straight to the far corner where a snowflake is vividly encrusted on the wall.

He touch it lightly and the part of the wall, vanished. Then, his pale hands took something inside. It is an ice miniature stick.

He press it in his hand but not firmly then, it grow and it become a staff. He smiled while taking it then Jack run to his secret room, on the library.

When he reached his destination, he hold a torch and slowly pull it downwards until the book shelves move apart from each other.

He walk inside the narrow and dark chamber, pushing a button in process as the shelves, closed.

His shoes make noises of pitter patter and the sound echoed, bouncing off from the rough walls.

Jack keeps on dragging his staff with him until he reach a metal door, that is separating him from the other side where it held his secret, protectively.

He tap his staff on the surface of the blue pad on the left side of the door and perfect swirls of frost, appeared.

The door opens and he enter before the frost melt because of the heat that is coming from the pad.

Once that melted, the door slams close, the loud noise spreading on the place.

Another short walk in a narrow chamber and at the very end of the tunnel is a marvelous place. Its a place that is all over ice creation.

The natural things of the world are copied by the ice, forming sculptures like ice trees, ice flowers and more..

But then, there is a most important thing in it. A magical ice flower. His life is in it so everytime a petal would fall, his life is coming near to an end.

Jack stare at the darkening flower. He spoke inaudible words on himself and later on, the flower lighten from the minute.

He take that as an advantage to breath normally after he hold his breath for a moment.

Jack tap his staff on a chair and the snow dispersed, changing it with a new coat of thin layer of ice.

He smiled, satisfied at his work and walk off on the other part of the room where a mini frozen lake is lying.

Its now frozen but with a thin layer so he tap his staff on the surface and ice spread on it, thickening the ice.

"Much better." He mumbled and sat on the ice bench, staring at his creations that he started after a psychopath turn him to a beast.

His dark side would always tell him that he will stay like that forever. But Jack tried his best on persuading himself about the opposite.

By and by, the hope seems to grow, only lessening because of his dark sides' negative thoughts and informations which made him vaugely pissed.

Seconds seems to pass by on minutes, minutes seems to pass by on hours and hours to days, the memory of his nightmare about his family, keeps on flashing before his eyes.

About how his family died because the psychopath thought about them as christmas decorations (which is insanely stupid).

Jack aggresively shook it off by distracting his mind on the ice flower that is darkening again. Any minute now and his dark side will take control.

It makes him to panick last night causing him to freeze his snowcone that he was about to eat. He don't like the feeling of someone taking control of your own body.

Someone might think that you're possessed by an evil spirit which is partially true. Half of it is true bacause of someone taking control and half is not since he's not insane.

Oh and by the mean of insane is going all crazy like shaking, your head twisting and more terrifying things that might happen in a possessed person.

Yes, he's insane when he's being controlled. But insane in the other way which means his dark side are murdering someone or harming them whatsoever like a person with brain or mental problems.

Its just hard to describe but for him, the meaning of insanity of his dark side, is hunger on taking control of the whole world.

Jack decided to leave already after a minute or more had passed. He press his staff on his palm and it shrink into a miniature size.

After placing it back of its secret place, Jack take a quick look on the ice flower to see the petals almost darkening all over.

Then, he remembered the girl that he met on the woods. He's embarrased at the point that he scared her, making the horse startled, made her fall and leave.

He sighed, calming himself from breaking out, screaming. Nah, just joking. Technically, from freaking out. He don't want anything bad to happen

And, he doesn't want to freeze his chair next or else, his butt will get stuck on the chair like for forever which he exaggerated that much.
Hello my snowgies! How's this story? Is it good? Or the opposite. Eh, who cares about the ignorant peoples.

So yeah! That's it. *grab a snowball*

Me: Isn't it exciting that this book will get published?

The someone: Its not its anno-

*throw a snowball straight to the nuisance's face*

Me: It. Is. Right?

The someone: No, okay? It-

*throw hundreds of snowball to him while doing a battle cry*

Me: Take that!!!

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