II. The Meet-Up

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"Ms. (L/N)!", Chiho, a light auburn 16 year old high schooler greeted me with a wave and a bright cheerful smile.

   Chiho always had that smile ever since we were kids. Never once have I seen her cry. Not when her new dog had died from being run over by a truck. Or when her goldfish she won at the festival had passed away a day or two later. We will forever miss you, Mr. Bubbles. But anyway, Chiho Sasaki was the most cheerful person I knew.  And that's saying something since I moved all the way to California after I graduated 6th grade. But then again during those years it was different. Way different.

"Hey Chiho! It's been so long! You even had cut your hair." I said fighting the urge to pull my childhood friend in a hug. God, I had missed her.

    Chiho was about to say more but a loud monstrous growl had interrupted her. I glance over towards the entrance to see a boy with frightened red eyes and dark green hair running away from what looked like a boar carrying a sword.  Wait... Boars don't carry swords...?


To be continued yet again....

Reader-Chan goes to High School with the devil!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat