VII. Two's A Company, Four is Just Asking For Trouble

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(First Person POV)

"Maou... Are you alright?", my (E/C) pools stared at the nervous pair of red gems. Maou's gaze shifted down towards his lap the very moment our eyes connected. Why did he look so overwhelmed? I began to recall to the events prior to entering the crowded cafe.

(3rd person POV)

"H-Hey, (Y/N)!", Maou called out while trying to catch up to me.

"Yes, Mr. Maou?"
"Please just call me Maou. We're friends here, right?"
"Yeeah... but it feels kinda weird not using any honorifics you know."

   Maou scratched his head before letting out a chuckle. His throat had this ticklish feeling as if someone was tickling him with a feather. It was hard not to cough as he stared at the human whom had given him these unfamiliar feelings.

"So I was wondering...", Maou trailed off earning a questioning smile from (Y/N). His cheeks flushed at the sight before looking away, his index finger scratched at his flushed cheek. "Will you attend lunch with me? You see, there's this new cafe I wanted to go to and Ashiya isn't feeling too well to accompany me... it's awkward just going by myself and I can't get Urushihara to leave the house due to him being socially awkward."

"Sure, I'll go with you.", (Y/N) grinned just in time to see Maou's red pools almost pop out his eye sockets.

"Seriously?! You mean it?!"
"Yeah, I'll go with you. You okay? You're face is terribly red..."
"I'm great! It's just a little hot out here! Do you want me to pick you up at four?"
"Sure, I'll give you my address."

   (Y/N) quickly wrote down her address on a memo sticky note before handing it to the overjoyed devil. His hand lingered on hers when they had made impact before taking the strip of pink paper.

"I'll see you tomorrow!", Maou spoke after he had hopped on his bike.

"Yeah, see you later, Maou.", (Y/N) waved goodbye to the boy with dark green hair before he rode off into the sunset.

(Back to 1st Person POV)

   Now that I think about it. Maou's face was very red. Maybe he's sick and he's afraid to tell me because he thinks I might get upset with him? If Maou's sick, then he shouldn't be afraid to tell me. It's better than calling last minute to tell me he's resting at home because of a illness. Trust me... I've had plenty of boyfriends who's done that before. Although they weren't sick and most of the time they had lied to me just so they can stay at home playing video games.

"I-I'm fine... Just a little excited.", Maou had cut me off from my thoughts as I glanced at his small embarrassed smile. Boy, does he look so cute with his cheeks flushed like that--wait-- WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?! Maou's my friend! I shouldn't be having these kinds of thoughts towards my friend!!

   My cheeks instantly flush once I had dismissed such inappropriate ideas. Although I felt my cheeks burn even more once Maou grasped my hand that was resting on the table. The dark haired male had this determine look in his crimson gaze once he directed all of his attention to me.

"(Y/N), there's something I have been wanting to tell you for a very long time. (Y/N) (L/N), I lo--"

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!", a squeaky high pitch voice screamed at us. We both look over to see a very angry Chiho glaring at us. Followed by a panting Emi Yusa.

"C-Chiho... What's wrong? Y-You ran before I could even ask-- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!", Emi screamed at us after a second of realizing we were there.

'Greeeaat... This is going to be hell to get out of...' (Y/N) thought as she watched said girls argue back and forth with Maou.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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