III. The Boar

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"MAOU! GET BACK HERE!!", screamed the furious red haired boar.

'Is it a boar?! Or is it Satan himself?!', I thought as the boy who obviously looked older than 16 stood behind me.

   The boar pointed her sword towards me, it's sharp tip at the front of my neck. I jolt at the rash reaction from this demonic creature. Her eyes glowed red as her face was blacked out with some kind of shade.

'IT'S SATAN!! OH MY GOD!!!!', I gulped as she let out another series of growls.

"Emi, calm down... It's not like a mean't for that bucket to fall on your head. It was some kind of prank made by the other students.", The red eyed guy tried to reason with this demon named Emi. He looked unsure of whether that was a prank or not.

"BUCKETS DON'T FALL OUT OF THE SKY AND HIT PEOPLE IN THE HEAD! YOU USED MAGIC, DIDN'T YOU!?", That voice seemed to be getting more annoying by the minute.

"If I had to resort to using magic I would have did something better to annoy you. Come on, using magic to have some bucket fall on your head is so beneath me and it's a waste of my precious time. Are you that ignorant to even believe I use magic in that childish way?", Maou seemed annoyed by her accusations too. However, this guy who I recently learned had the name Maou did have a point. But what did they mean by magic?
"WHATEVER!", There goes Emi with her fury.

    The bell rung signaling the start of home room.  All 4 of us glance at the clock on top of the building with flabbergasted gapes.

"That wasn't the first bell, right?!"

"It is! Let's hurry, Ms. (L/N)! You too, Mr. Maou, and Ms. Yusa!"

   At that we all scattered towards the entrance of the building. Unknown to us that a certain someone was watching us the entire time through the security cameras. They, however, were watching me, (Y/N) (L/N), the entire time.

To be continued...

Reader-Chan goes to High School with the devil!Where stories live. Discover now