V. The Hero and The Hermit

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"Dammit! Where is that building?! I've been searching for it for 7 goddamn hours!!", (y/n) exclaimed as she walked around campus searching for said shady building.

"What are you doing out here?"

"OH MY GOD, CHARLOTTE DON'T BITE MY HEAD OFF! (Madoka Magica reference.)

"Uh... Alice, are you alright?", a soft and concerned voice spoke towards me. I open my eyes to see none other than Emi. The red haired Fuchia floozy looked at me with a frown. She must be concerned about me after my outburst just now. Who else would beg a witch not to bite her head off?

"Yeah... I'm fine.", I dust myself off since I had jumped and landed my rear onto the dirty ground of the jogging track. "So, why are you out here, Emi?"

"I could ask you the same thing.", Emi narrowed her yellowish green eyes in suspicion.

"I was asked to meet someone here. Some guy who's been stalking me."

Emi blinked after I had explained why I was walking around school campus in the middle of night with a blank face.

"Oookay... Anyway, I'm here because Chiho, Maou, and Ashiya snuck in. Did you perhaps seen them running around here?", Emi asked changing the subject.

"Nope. But have you seen a purple haired emo shortie?"

At that Emi looked pissed. Her hand grasped the front of my shirt and used her strength to pull me towards her. My hands automatically grasped onto her shoulders to prevent myself from falling forward.

"Why the hell are you talking to that demon!? Whatever he tells you is all lies! He's only using you for your mind, body, and negative energy!",that firm hand holding onto my (Favorite anime) shirt tighten, causing wreckles onto the (F/C) fabric.

"W-What are you talking about?! I just met him! What the heck are you implying, Emi?!", my face turned fifty shades of red.

"What the heck are you implying, little miss pervert?"

Both mine and Yusa's eyes traveled to the source of the voice with curiosity. The hero pushed me behind and summoned a knight-like sword from her palm. Wielding the sword towards the menace in front of her, Emi stood her ground and glared at the reason for her pain and suffering.


'Damn, that voice could wake up an entire group of old people suffering from hearing loss!', I thought as Emi attempted to launch an attack at Urushihara.

'What the heck is happening?! I'm totally confused!!', my (e/c) eyes watched as the the furocious girl chased the violette across the field. It wasn't until I saw them run towards a run down building. A minute passed for my mind to processed what building they went into.

'That must be the old building Urushihara asked me to meet him.' Like a small curious duckling, I followed the trail to where my new friend and stalker ran. If only I knew of the dread that was to befall. Curiosity killed the cat, you know.

To be continued...

Reader-Chan goes to High School with the devil!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora