IV. My stalker makes a Cameo Appearance in my Life.

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"I can't believe you four arrived to class late! Especially you three! I expected more from you Emi, Maou, and Chiho!", a woman with an exotic beauty spoke with disappointment.

'Thank god I'm left out of the equation...', I sighed in relief before tensing up at the woman intense glare.

"And you.... Uh.... Who are you again?", the violette's glare faltered to a perplexed frown.

"I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). This is my first day here in your classroom.", I muttered while focusing my attention onto my shoes. She only shrugged at my bashful behavior.

"So, that's why you don't look familiar whatsoever... Anyway, I'm Ms. Kisaki. Let me look into the records to see if you're in my home room or not, okay?", her voice was very elegant yet it had a tone of darkness.  A scary darkness. The three excluding myself shivered with fear at her tone of voice.

   About a few minutes of talking on the phone with the head office, Ms. Kisaki had informed me that I was in her home room and that I should sit my butt down like the rest of the students.

'Is she always this scary?", I thought as I place my butt firmly on the seat of the desk. A feeling of edge was placed on my shoulders. Is it just me... Or does it feel like I'm being watched?

   A bell had rung telling students that home room had ended and it was time for the teacher to change rooms. Surprisingly enough, not only did our next teacher walk in but a interloper student had snuck into the classroom. He had purple hair that seemed to stop a few inches below his shoulder. One of his charming cat like Amethyst eyes was covered by the purple locks that seemed to hang down his face. His ears had violet earrings that seemed to bring some kind of edgy boldness to his cherubic look.

'This guys kinda hot...', a blush spreads across my face after I noticed him smirking at me.  He stifle a chuckle. 'What's so funny?!'


"So, how do you know Chi?", Maou had asked me after plopping down onto the cement ground. A bento in his hands.

"Well....", I mumbled unsure of where to start.

"Ms. (L/N) and I went to elementary school together. We met during home room. But it was mostly by accident though. I was bringing papers to another teacher since I was the teachers aid. I bumped into Ms. (L/N) when I was looking and all the papers fell onto the floor. However she was different from back then."

"Different how?", Emi spoke with a mouthful. It's funny how her red eyes had such a pretty yellowish green when she wasn't mad. Her face even looked less scary than before.

"She was known as a Yankee at school. No one would go near her because every time someone tried to befriend her she would chew them and spit them out." Chiho received a very light flick to the head.

"I didn't chew them and spit them out. I just had difficulty expressing my feelings so I would occasionally beat them up for being nice to me. It ain't my fault they went to the hospital after I was done talking to them."

    At that Emi had spit out her drink she was in the middle of taking and Maou began to choke on his rolled omelette. They both gaped at my nonchalant attitude about my anger problems of the past.

"What?!", the hero and devil exclaimed.

"Whatever...", I go back to eating my fluffy white rice.

"Ms. (L/N), it's impolite to reply like that..." Chiho had sweat dropped had my behavior that basically said 'I don't care.'


"See you later, Ms. Sohma!"

"You too Chi. And it was nice meeting you, Maou and Emi!"

    As I was walking home that same purple haired guy showed up. He stood in front of me, blocking my path. I glanced at him with a 'are you not going to move?' frown.

"I've been watching you.  Your negative energy is by more interesting compared to Little Ms. High Schooler."

"Look, I don't care what you mean by negative energy but I gotta get home before the newest episode of Steven Universe comes up."

   Mr. Stranger danger here just gave me a lazy perplexed look before walking around me.  His purple eyes examining my body seemed to be that of a predator and I was his prey. Shivers slithered up my spine as I let out a sound of disgust.

"Can you not be so creepy right now?"

"Can't help it. You just seem so interesting to me right now. I don't get why though.", the last part he mumbled so low that it was hard to hear what he actually said.

"Anyhow... Meet me in the old building at 9 o'clock tonight.", with that he left.

'Do I really have to go meet Mr. Stalker boy tonight? Greaaat.... Guess I'm missing another episode where Cookie Cat makes another awesome appearance.'

To be continued until next chapter....

Reader-Chan goes to High School with the devil!Where stories live. Discover now