the plan

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Marissa's POV

Oh my freaking God! I couldn't believe this s**t. ok so Alexa and Alicia were my best friends from middle school. we used to do everything together like go shopping, go to movies have slumber parties, and all the good s**t girlfriends do, then it was their turn to host a slumber party when I went to their house their brother opened the door, I instantly fell in love with their brother which was Julio, the boy I was going on and on about...yess gurl yess MY baby julio is in this house. but anyways, after that day when i met him I was over at their house every freaking day before they moved but julio stayed with his dad, strange thing is i've never met their mom before. I am dancing right now in my head. Thank goodness I brought clothes that fitted me really well. This summer I am determined to make this boy mine once and for all, I have waited too long ( since 7th grade).

this is my chance...but how was I going to do it I have no game. ughh the struggles.

So finally Julio made his way into the living room...shirtless and drips of water falling off his body. S**t this nigga just don't know what he does to me I swear if i blush anymore i'll turn into a tomato. he gave my mom a hug like they were best friends, i get a handshake...uhm ok it's cool i mean damn nigga you could've given me one too but omygosh he just touched my hand.

S**t this room is getting hot I said to the twins and I heard them chuckle lightly.

Alexa's POV

So it was very obvious that Marissa still wasn't over my brother even a blind person could've seen that, it was so amusing watching her drool over him, it all started in the 7th grade during our third slumber party at my house Marissa had confessed to us that she was in love with our bro, back then we thought it was lust until now, it is very clear that she still likes him. Me and my sister decided that we're going to help them out a little.

Julio's POV

This summer my ma told me that we were spending our summer at her friend's beach house in hawaii, the offer was too high i mean beach, pool I loved to swim, and who would pass up the chance to go to hawaii. Man when we got there first thing I did was strip down and got into their pool I love how the water was flowing through my skin. An hour later I heard my ma call me so I could greet her Friend Mariah, I had met her before and she was a cool person, she's funny and she was fine as hell. I have never met her daughter before, but damn shawty looked exactly like her mom her skin tone was a bit darker than her mom, she looked like those mixed children with curly hair but her hair was curly and really long which I thought was hot. I shooked her hand, then she started to blush it felt good to know that i had that effect on girls. shawty reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my fingers on it.

" we're going out for a little bit, you guys stay here and don't break anything" my mom said as she was heading out with her friends.

I'm going to my room to change, i said to the girls while picking up my suitcase and headed for the stairs.

when i got to my room I let out the biggest squeal ever oh my God I'm so excited. I opened up my suitcase and placed everything in their rightful place the I put on my bikiny and I threw my oversize t-shirt on then headed for the pool where my man was. I looked over and I saw the girls near the ocean it looked like they were about to surf.

I took off my t-shirt and did a slow motion runway walk to the opposite side off the pool and I knew that I caught his attention. I hated to swim because I couldn't swim simple as that so I just sat on the side and dipped my foot in there then i started to play with the water.

Julio and Marissa's convo

Julio: are you just gonna sit there?

Marissa: pretty much

( he pulled her leg and she fell in the water)

Marissa: " I can't swim " I said before sinking back down the water

( he quickly went down and grabbed her by her waist to pull her up)

Julio: It's alright now ma, I gotchu.

Marissa: Thank you Thank you!

Julio: I'm sorry it's my fault

Marissa: Don't let go

( she started to cry)

Julio: I won't ma 

Julio's POV

Man when she took off that big shirt  my eyes got wider, she had a body like Kim Kardarshian but she had a very innocent face and her eyes drove me crazy. I only knew this girl's name so i went over to her side hoping to pull off a conversation, I started talking to her next thing I knew i pulled her into the water. She had this panicked look to her face and shouted " i can't swim" then sunked back down in the water, I went after her grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back up she hugged me tightly . Me and her started off on the wrong foot, hope I can make it up to her though.

 Marissa's POV

who would've guessed that the love of my life almost killed me. ok let me not exaggerate he did not know that I couldn't swim, and he made up for that by saving me. I hugged him tightly so i wouldn't drown although I felt a little childish and embarrased but hey it's my life first.

 Hey readers like I said before I'm new to this so please help me out by commenting what you think so far it'll mean a lot.

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