21- Every Rose Has Its Thorns

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“Todd,” I gasped, arching my back instinctively.

He was hovering above me with his lips furiously sucking on my neck, doubtlessly giving me probably more than one hickey. I didn’t care though, because he was just that amazing at kissing and I just didn’t care about anything else except for him.

We were having our nearly daily makeup make out session which happened right after our practices were over. We were fighting all day- like we had been all week- and then after school, we’d make up and then we’d make out. Heavily. And every day, it was something else to fight about. It happened from Wednesday, when Todd was a complete grumpy pants, and then it was Saturday so I guess that’s only four days, but it was still exhausting. I mean, it was erotic after the fighting, but mostly just exhausting.

Neither of us were wearing shirts anymore and we were still going strong, but I still wasn’t ready to go all the way with him, especially since all we did for most of the day was fight about something stupid. On Thursday, it was about the party and then on Friday it was about spending my night sleeping instead of being with him, even though he knew how tough my Friday practices were. And then that day, on Saturday morning, I called him before my competition to apologize for not wanting to hang out on Friday and I woke him up, which irritated him and then it spiraled out of control until we were making up with our daily makeup make out.

His tongue flicked my jaw line before connecting with my lips once again, causing me to moan softly just before kissing him back with the same fierceness that he was kissing me with and we were magical again. After all of the fighting over the past few days, we were okay.

“Are you kidding me?!” I heard Owen wail randomly, which caused both me and Todd to jump away from each other like avoiding the plague or something. “You were fighting like, half an hour ago!”

When I sat up, I saw him standing in the doorway with his back facing us, which hardly made the whole thing any less embarrassing.

“Knock, Owen,” I grumbled, pulling my shirt over my head as Todd did the same from beside me. “All problems are avoided if you knock.”

“I thought you two were fighting, not making up,” He muttered in his defense. “And it’s kind of important.”

“I figured that, since you haven’t left yet,” I snapped. “What is it?”

“We have company,” He sighed, leaving the room without looking back.

I groaned, trying to kill the redness on my face as I stood out of the bed. “Well, that wasn’t fun at all.”

“Not particularly, no,” Todd chuckled, following me out of the bed and down the hallway where nobody was to be seen, so I just went downstairs to see what Owen was talking about when he creepily said that we have company.

I had only just stepped into the living room when I noticed the tall head of black hair standing in the small foyer area talking fondly with Owen.

“DEREK!” I screeched in both shock and excitement as I launched myself forward to give my big brother the hug of the century considering I haven’t seen him in so long.

He laughed and eagerly returned my hug. “Hey there, kiddo.”

“Don’t call me that,” I huffed, messing up his already messed up hair. Derek kind of looked like me and Owen, but not as much as me and Owen looked alike, but that’s probably because we were twins and Derek was our 28 year old brother. His hair was jet black instead of blonde and he was really tall. Owen was pretty tall, but definitely not as tall as Derek. They’re both all athletic and whatnot though, because Derek played baseball all through high school and college too. His two little boys, Tony and Chris, they look a lot like Derek, though. They had his black hair and pointy nose but Chris looked more like me and Owen than Tony did. I have no idea where Crystal came into the equation at all, because none of the kids look like her at all, so her genes were incredibly recessive or something.

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