chapter 11) Please don't let go of my hand

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Hey! I'm editing the old chapters of this story and the other one, as well as trying to get new chapters out with both of them. It'll be a little slow, but I assure you I am trying !! Thank you for the patience! 

I had to do so much research to see what people in Comas experiences, and it's basically just a big dream world, but you can hear things? It depends on why you're in the Coma. 


Jeans foot was tapping rapidly against the hospital floor; waiting for the nurse to open the waiting room doors and call his name. He couldn't stop picking at his hands and nails, leaving his nails chipped and his hands scratched up. But he couldn't help it. The love of his life was in a coma, with a high chance of dying. I mean, he saw the fear in Marco's eyes as the plane went down, and he heard the screams on replay in his mind for hours after the call had ended. 

It felt like the minutes were just dragging along, scraping against the floor of his mind. The soft ticks of the clock were as loud as thunder in his ears and they separated his thoughts.

The waiting room door opened, and a short blonde nurse walked in, looking down at a clipboard in her hands. She cleared her throat, catching the attention of everyone in the room. 

"Alright... Jean kirstein? Please follow me." She made a hand movement, before turning and holding the door open, waiting for him.

Jean shot up from his seat, scurrying over and following her through the door. 

There was only silence between the nurse and Jean as she led him through the corridors. That gave him time to overthink the situation. He listens to the sound of the nurses' shoes hitting the marble floor, echoing in his ears. His eyes were glued to the floor.

"Heres his room." She said softly, stopping and turning to face him. The gentle smile on her face faded and she looked up at him.

She reaches out, holding his hand gently. "Listen, this is going to be hard. You can still speak to him, but stay positive. People in comas can understand you and their experiences are affected by it greatly. I'll come in for a few minutes, but then I'll leave you two alone, okay?"

Jean was calmed down by her caring words, but not by much. 

The nurse opened the door and smiled. "Hey, Marco! I brought your.." she paused looking at Jean for some help.

He shrugged, mouthing the words 'boyfriend'.

"Boyfriend! He's gonna sit down and talk to you for a while. I'm going to go check up on some other patients, so I'll be gone for a while." She spoke softly, before giving Jean a little nod and leaving the room.

Jean didn't move for a couple moments. His breath caught in his throat, staring at the love of his life hooked up to machines and lying in a hospital bed. 

His steps were slow as he walked over to the bed and sat down on a chair next to Marco. Tears welled up in his eyes, covering his mouth to avoid breaking down. 

"Hi, honey... It's Jean. I..." He paused, taking a breath and blinking away the oncoming tears. 

"I love you... I don't know what to say." it was a sad whisper. He went silent, just staring at Marco's face as if it was something so fragile, breaking and falling to pieces in front of him. 

Marcos Pov


I had never felt so lost and confused. The world around me was dark. I didn't know anything. No sounds were familiar to me, echoing in my ears for what felt like forever. They were loud and repetitive. It was horrifying.

But a soft, gentle sounding voice would always come and interrupt the noises. I would always feel something holding my hand when it came around. Even the surroundings would change. Instead of black, it would turn into an explosion of warm colors. I loved when that would happen. 

I would feel safe.

The gentle sound was there again, almost soothing me. But it went away. 

A sad voice replaced it, and the settings around me changed. 


Blue everywhere. With black almost burning at the ends of it. 

I didn't know how to feel. What was happening? Was I in danger? Why am I feeling...


I curled up, placing my hands on my ears. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want to feel that way. I knew it wouldn't work, my efforts completely wasted. 

Stop. Stop. Please stop the noise. I don't want this feeling.

Jean's Pov


I looked up to the heart monitor going faster, almost if he was understanding every word. But the smile that tugged at my face quickly faded, as I noticed the tears running down his face. 

I opened my mouth to ask why, but I couldn't. My words choked up and refused to crawl off my tongue. 

The room went silent, leaving me all by myself. To think about what happened. To think about all the possibilities. 

I must've been sitting there for more than an hour before the nurse from before walked in to check in. She was smiling until she saw what was happening between me and... well... Myself. 

3rd Pov


She rushed over, looking at Jean directly.

"What happened? are you alright? You look absolutely shaken. I know this is hard, but you don't need to beat yourself up over this. This wasn't your fault." She spoke more directly, still trying to keep her soft tone. 

Jean shook his head, "No. It is! I made him cry! I did something fucking wrong!" He raised his voice, throwing his hand into his lap. 

The nurse turned her head over to the monitor, watching it carefully. 

"What did I say? Speak in a soft tone. He will be deeply affected by how people feel. Don't you dare yell again, or else I'm going to have to remove you." It was a hushed threat, clearing her throat and moving on. "Of course he's going to cry. You're upset, so he's feeding off of it." 

Jean sniffed, staring down at the ground. His thoughts finally spilled out of his head. 

"He's not going to wake up, is he?"


Sorry if it seems rushed. It kind of was? But I hope you like it.

Maaaaybe I'll keep him alive. Maaaaybe I'll follow the votes. Who'll ever know? 

Love all of you !!!!!!!

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